Power BI Time Band Issue

  • ステータス: Closed
  • 賞金: $43
  • 受け取ったエントリー: 0


Hello we are having issue with time band formulas in Power BI. The metrics on the page are based on 15 minute time increments (8:00pm, 8:15pm, etc) but some of the metrics - detailed in the documentation must look at multiple time bands (sometimes) to gain their calculation. I need someone to assist getting those metrics accurate with using only one slicer for the page

Here is PBIX https://www.dropbox.com/s/n355cz0f5qn6v97/Overall%20Store%20Operations_v3%20%282%29%20%284%29%20%281%29.pbix?dl=0

I have a lot of Power BI work



  • saritha1979
    • 4年間前

    Can you please extend the time for doing the project.

    • 4年間前


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