Python bot youtube views仕事


    2,000 python bot youtube views 仕事が見つかりました。次の価格: USD

    金融・投資・仮想通貨以外のカテゴリーで、日本のyoutube著名人のメールを収集する。 フォロワー数1万人以上5万人以下のチャンネル。 コピー&ペーストするだけの簡単なデータ収集のお仕事です。 未経験者歓迎、空いた時間にいつでも応募OK。 予算:100メールアドレスで5ドル お支払いは、弊社にて確認後となります。 収集したメールアドレスのうち、10%以上が無効またはメール送信不能の場合、不足分のメールアドレスを交換する必要があり、そうでない場合は報酬額から日割りで控除されます。

    $20 (Avg Bid)
    $20 平均入札額
    2 入札

    【案件詳細】 こちらからの動画主題により、弊社のソフトなどを利用して動画撮影、動画編集を依頼させていただきたいです。 【納品形式】mp4 【希望納期】契約してから一週間 【お支払い時期】検収後即 参考動画: ① ② ③ 【作業ルール】 1.動画の長さは2~5分間ぐらいで、動画にナレーションと字幕つきです。 2.動画内容の解説はわかりやすいように。 3.動画主題を中心に、動画全体スムーズ。 4.内容などにはYouTubeの規制に準拠している。 【提案条件】 1.日本人(必須) 2.動画制作経験があり 【希望報酬】 一本3000~5000円ずつ 【注意点・禁止事項】 締切厳守 ・依頼を引き受けることで知り得たすべての情報を第三者に漏れこと ・著作権は当方に譲渡いただきます 【その他】 動画主題により、ソフトをアピール Tenorshare Japanチャンネルの共有

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 入札

    ...た100を超える事前レンダリングされたビデオがあります。これらのテンプレートはユーザーが選択します。ユーザーは、各テンプレートの開いているセグメント内に自分の個人的なビデオを記録するように求められます。 沈黙とノイズの検出、デシベルレベルの決定と調整などの概念の経験が必要です。 責任 新しいビデオ編集と機能のアイデアのプロトタイプを作成します(管理者とエンドユーザーがレイヤーとタイムラインでビデオアセットを表示するためのビデオ編集ダッシュボード) 最前線のビデオ編集技術である新しい技術を探る 新機能の設計、APIの作成、デバッグ 製品、設計、モバイルおよびWeb開発、サーバー側エンジニアリングを代表するチームメンバーと部門間でコラボレーションします アプリを維持し、コミュニティに耳を傾け、発生する問題を修正します スキル:Node.js、C ++ Re、OpenCV、Python、React Native

    $5666 (Avg Bid)
    $5666 平均入札額
    3 入札

    案件をご覧いただきありがとうございます。 今回はYouTube用の動画の制作と編集をし、動画にまとめていただける方を募集させていただきます。 【依頼の内容】 YouTube用の動画として、「オンラインカジノ」を主題とする2-3分のミニ動画にまとめていただきたいです。 【詳細】 素材:(編集されていない)映像などの素材を渡すこともあり、新たに素材を用意していただくこともあります。 テーマ:オンラインカジノ(紹介、ゲームプレイ、プロモ等) ・動画のカット&構成 ・BGM ・効果音 ・テロップ ・動画見やすくなる工夫 ・ナレーション(相談可能) ■最終的な動画の長さ:2-3分 【編集者の募集内容】 ・動画の編集または作成の経験が1〜2年ある方 ・基本的な英語ができる方(英語能力はプロジェクトマネージャーとのコミュニケーションのためにのみ、動画の内容は日本語になります) ・納期を守る方 ・オンラインカジノ分野の知識がある方 ・面白くなるように動画のカットができる方 ・複数のある動画素材を面白くなるように動画構成できる方 ・テロップなど入れて動画を面白くできる方 ■参考イメージ動画: ■費用: 一本で150USD ~250USDでご提案ください(長期依頼) ナレーションができる方は、追加料金別途ご相談ください ■募集方法: ・過去に編集された動画サンプル ※youtube動画で見れるようにお願いいたします。ダウンロード形式は不可。 ・動画編集歴 こちらを記載の上、ご応募ください。

    $355 (Avg Bid)
    $355 平均入札額
    2 入札

    この度は本案件にご興味をいただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。 本案件では、日本語(Japanese) → フィリピン語(Filipino)への翻訳が可能な方を募集しております。 翻訳の内容としては、Youtubeの概要欄に掲載するチャンネルのプロフィールとなります。 文章作成時のお願いとしては、ご自身での翻訳をお願いいたします。 翻訳サイトの利用は、文法(単語の選びや並び方など)に問題が生じますのでご遠慮ください。 ご対応可能な方は、下記の質問事項への回答と条件掲示の上でご連絡をいただければ幸いです。 いただいた内容を確認の上、ご採用者様には改めて詳細をお伝えさせていただきます。 以上、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。 敬具 ◆ 質問事項 ◆ Q1. 日本語の翻訳経験の有無について教えてください。 A1. ●●。 (※有の方 ⇒ ●年) Q2. 翻訳の希望単価についてお知らせください。 A2-1. 日本語(Japanese) → フィリピン語(Filipino):●円 / 1文字 A2-2. 本件の金額:●●●円 Q3. アピールポイントや質問事項などがあればご記入ください。 A3. ●●●●●(特になければ未記入で可)。

    $19 (Avg Bid)
    $19 平均入札額
    11 入札

    下記の仕事をお願いできる方を募集しています。 1. 概要 ・平行化済みステレオ画像より深度情報を算出するスクリプトの実装。 2. 詳細 ・Python 3 を用いて、平行化済みステレオ画像から深度情報を算出したい。 ・深度情報の算出は、位相限定相関関数法をベースとする。 ・位相限定相関関数法に加えて、下記を検討したい。  ・ピラミッド画像構築による探索処理効率化の効果  ・ウィンドウサイズの効果 3. 納期 ・12月31日(目安) 4. 報酬 ・60,000円

    $13 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $13 / hr 平均入札額
    3 入札


    $80 (Avg Bid)
    $80 平均入札額
    1 入札

    <応募条件> ・東南アジア在住のエンジニア ・PHP、Ruby、Rails等を利用したweb開発経験(3年以上) ・リモートワークに対応してくださる方 ・日本語の読み書き能力 ・週40時間以上のコミット <担当案件(一部)> Webシステムの開発を行っており、特に ・Saas型ユーザーアンケート分析システム ・WebRTCを利用した遠隔医療サービス ・CtoCマッチングプレイス ・対話インターフェースのbotアプリ ・機械学習を用いた不動産取引価格予測システム の開発案件多数 を担当していただきます。 また、週一程度でクライアントとのミーティングがあり、 skypeで参加いただきますので、その点もご留意ください。 給与は応相談です。(約20~50万/週40時間) 皆様のご応募をお待ちしております!

    $2702 (Avg Bid)
    $2702 平均入札額
    3 入札

    この修正と機能追加をお願いします。 I am asking for a person speaks Japanese. 日本語での対応が必須です。(メール・チャット程度) 継続的に長くお付き合い出来る方を希望します。 ①ユーザーがログインIDとパスワードを認証後アクティブな状態でログインIDとパスワードを入力してもユーザーパネルへ移動しない不具合の修正   (ユーザーパネルのソースはあるかとおもいます。) ②Youtubeが投稿しても反映されない不具合の修正 ③Webサイトへの共有ボタンの設置、正常に動作するように作業していただきたいです ④携帯画面にPCへのリンクを貼る ⑤投稿した際の認証を不要にする 問題箇所のファイルを添付しました。 [The administrator removed this message for encouraging communication outside, which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13: Communication With Other Users.]かteamviewerでやり取りできる方希望します。 こちらのサイトになります。

    $155 (Avg Bid)
    $155 平均入札額
    1 入札

    弊社の製品案内のビデオ(5分前後)を作成してください。素材写真、素材ビデオはこちらで準備します。テロップを含む編集、BGM,ナレーションなどをお願いいたしたいです。また、素材を選んだり、作成する段階でのアドバイスもできればお願いしたいです。できれば、弊社HPやyoutubeに掲載できるまでお願いできれば、歓迎。できなくても可。海外からの参加も可能。声優の費用については有名声優であれば、金額について交渉可。日本語にて制作してください。複数回の打ち合わせ、修正などが可能であること。 Overseas companies are acceptable.

    $809 (Avg Bid)
    $809 平均入札額
    2 入札

    【内容】 ①4K動画/Youtube動画/Facebookに関するテーマに沿って記事を書く ②キーワードを文章に埋め込んでください。 ③製品の使い方、体験談や豆知識などの記事作成 ④重複しないこと、絶対にコピペをしないように注意してください。 初心者でもわかる内容の記事作成、例えば、「Facebookの使い方」について、初心者向けの教則本を執筆するような感覚です。 【その他特記事項】 ①1記事あたり、全角1000-2000文字くらい ② 『です。』『ます。』調で書く ③読みやすいように3~5行程度で改行する ④Microsoft Excel形式のファイルで書く ⑤WindowsまたはMac環境が必要です。

    $377 (Avg Bid)
    $377 平均入札額
    1 入札

    創建一個網站,該公司主要從事製造,按訂單家具。 任務 - 組合,產品目錄,航運郵購結帳主玻璃加工(標準形式派遣) ,促銷/折扣。 需要設計使用iozhno模板。 類似的網站: , , ,呻/ 特點:正規網站搜索/目錄下,畫廊模塊(任何標準) , Google Analytics (分析)統計,新聞/股(RSS ) ,常見問題解答,橫幅,反饋形式,大多數購買的產品或新的項目目錄相關的產品和商品與其他項目購買,在網站上(可能只是一個YouTube)的視頻,採用了鮮豔醒目的顏色設計。

    $586 (Avg Bid)
    $586 平均入札額
    2 入札

    I am seeking a competent scriptwriter and researcher who is knowledgeable about Indian history, culture, and other interesting...affairs, and environment. Ideal skills include: - Strong command of Hindi language - Proven expertise in scriptwriting - Skilled in researching and Sourcing. - Background in YouTube content creation is a plus. Freelancers who apply should provide the following: - Evidence of past work (preferably related to Indian content) - A written sample using a topic that I will provide. The right candidate should be able to create engaging scripts that are well-researched and accurate, yet easily comprehensible to the average viewer. Do you have the passion and the skills to help bring unexplored topics to life on our YouTube channel? I look forward ...

    $16 (Avg Bid)
    $16 平均入札額
    17 入札

    I am a php developer building api project on python , I need someone to assist me on project

    $188 (Avg Bid)
    $188 平均入札額
    7 入札
    AI Employment Portal Assistant 6 日 left

    ...experienced chatbot developer to create a user-friendly chatbot that can assist employment portal users in three main ways: - Answering Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Recommending suitable job openings - Offering valuable resume tips The chatbot must be compatible with both our website and mobile application, ensuring seamless assistance to users across platforms. It's also necessary for the bot to support English language conversation. Requirements: - Proven experience in chatbot development - Proficiency in English language - Familiarity with employment portals is a plus - Excellent understanding of FAQ systems and job recommendation mechanisms - Knowledge of resume crafting and optimization will be beneficial. Freelancer, familiar with the effective deployment ...

    $2307 (Avg Bid)
    $2307 平均入札額
    7 入札

    Mình muốn viết Bot để tự động mua bán Spot trên sàn giao dịch MEXC + Binance theo thuật toán của mình. Cụ thể là bot chỉ cần chia nhỏ số coin ra theo x phần theo yêu cầu, rồi giá cứ tăng y% thì bot tự động bán 1 phần của x phần đó ra rồi tự động đặt mua lại 1 lệnh ở giá thấp hơn z% là xong, với x, y, z cấu hình được và bot có thể trade trên tài khoản phụ, trade nhiều cặp coin 1 lúc.

    $583 (Avg Bid)
    $583 平均入札額
    3 入札

    I need a Python developer with a strong skill set in web scraping, database management, and video manipulation to create a code which can easily download videos from personal websites, save them to local web storage, and subsequently update values in an sqlite database. Detailed requirements are as follows: - Download videos specifically from personal websites. - Save videos internally for archiving purposes. - Saved videos should be in AVI format to maintain consistency. - Program should have a functionality of updating an sqlite database with relevant video details upon successful download. Ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of AVI video format handling as well as extensive experience interacting with an sqlite database using python. Familiarity with va...

    $30 (Avg Bid)
    $30 平均入札額
    2 入札

    I am in need of...Details: - I need the 3D renderings to be of moderate detail, including textures and colors. This is crucial to help me understand the aesthetic of the final build. - I require multiple perspective views for each rendering. This will provide me with a comprehensive understanding of how the design will look from various angles. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling, texturing, and rendering software. - Strong understanding of architectural design and visualization. - Ability to translate 2D plans into detailed and accurate 3D representations. - Experience creating multiple perspective views for architectural projects. If you have a keen eye for detail and a passion for translating 2D designs into stunning 3D visualizations, I would love ...

    $109 (Avg Bid)
    $109 平均入札額
    14 入札

    I am in need of a skilled social media expert /graphics designer / video editor, who can manage our brand's accounts on Facebook, Youtube and Instagram, creating and posting engaging informational content and interactive posts, along with captivating video shorts. The primary goal of our social media presence is to increase followers of our content and drive traffic to our website. - Skills and Experience - Proven experience in social media management. - Skills in creating informational and interactive content - Good ability to graphically design content - Able to edit/create engaging video shorts with captions, leveraging existing long content videos. - Good understanding of branding - Excellent creative, communication, and writing skills This will be an on...

    $11 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $11 / hr 平均入札額
    43 入札

    ...features (consider development complexity) Security: Implement robust security measures to protect user data and uploaded files. Scalability: Design the platform with scalability in mind, considering future growth and potential additional features. Technical Considerations: Front-End Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript Framework (e.g., ReactJS) Back-End Development: Server-side language (e.g., Python, PHP) PDF Processing: Utilize PDF manipulation libraries or APIs for efficient PDF processing. Database: Secure database for user accounts and potential document storage (if applicable). Hosting: Reliable web hosting solution with adequate bandwidth to handle user traffic and file uploads. Consider cloud hosting options for scalability. Project Deliverables: Fully functional website...

    $725 (Avg Bid)
    $725 平均入札額
    67 入札
    React & Node Expert 6 日 left

    Hello We need to create the simple web application integrated chatgpt api There are 3 screens only (login/signup, choose model, result pages) We will provide the figma design. Frontend: react Backend: node & python Database: postgre db it will be complete in 2 days, We will hire only freelancers, not agency. If you are good fit for this task, please bid with 'not agency' word. Thanks

    $60 (Avg Bid)
    $60 平均入札額
    32 入札

    ...sophisticated WhatsApp bot. This bot will encompass key functionalities including automated responses, user data collection, and the facilitation of products or services sales. Key bot functionalities will include: - Responding to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). - Sending appointment reminders. - Advising on account statuses and dues paid. - Send chat to a operator - Receive info from Sugar Comunity Edition and Sap B1 and send to the customer The perfect candidate for this project will have: - Proven experience in chatbot development. - Deep understanding of WhatsApp API. - Experience with user data collection techniques. - An eye for detail and problem-solving skills. - Excellent communication skills. Please provide past work samples re...

    $141 (Avg Bid)
    $141 平均入札額
    10 入札

    I'm a video editor and I'm currently seeking someone to assist in editing my videos. I have experience in wedding videos, corporate videos, music videos and YouTube related edits. Key Requirements: - **Style:** The desired style for my videos is professional and corporate. This means you will need to have a keen eye for detail and understanding the tone and message that corporate videos typically convey. - **Editing Needs:** I require the following editing services: - Color correction: You should be proficient in enhancing and correcting colors in video footage to ensure a consistent and high-quality look throughout the video. - Sound design: You'll need to have experience in sound design to ensure that the audio quality of the video is top-notch. This entails ...

    $64 (Avg Bid)
    $64 平均入札額
    5 入札

    ...Chinese brands. <Requirements for Payment> ・Submit documentary evidence that clearly states the details of the subject product, the name of the company selling the product, and the company that plans to sell the product. Documentary evidence includes websites, YouTube videos, repair manuals, photos of the actual product, vehicle owner's manuals etc. ★Clearly indicate the URL of the website or YouTube site as the basis for the evidence. ★Please clearly indicate where the above technology is disclosed. [example 1]★Technical Details YouTube: “” Time: 2:30-3:15 Product name: “MODEL S” Company name: “TESLA” [example 2]★Technical Details URL: https://OEczSq Written section: Second paragraph Prod...

    $50 (Avg Bid)
    $50 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I am in need of a Telegram bot that can provide user registration and efficiently store and retrieve data from a Firebase database. Key Responsibilities: - Implement a user registration system directly on the Telegram bot interface itself. - Develop a clear and efficient data storage and retrieval process from the Firebase database. - Ensure that the bot can handle user profiles, user activity logs, and applications in the database. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python, especially for developing Telegram bots. - Extensive experience working with Firebase databases. - Prior projects that involve implementing user registration systems. - Strong understanding of data storage and retrieval systems. - Good communication skills to ensure the system i...

    $12 (Avg Bid)
    $12 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ...Land Rover. <Requirements for Payment> ・Submit documentary evidence that clearly states the details of the subject product, the name of the company selling the product, and the company that plans to sell the product. Documentary evidence includes websites, YouTube videos, repair manuals, photos of the actual product, vehicle owner's manuals etc. ★Clearly indicate the URL of the website or YouTube site as the basis for the evidence. ★Please clearly indicate where the above technology is disclosed. [example 1]★Technical Details YouTube: “” Time: 2:30-3:15 Product name: “MODEL S” Company name: “TESLA” [example 2]★Technical Details URL: https://OEczSq Written section: Second paragraph Product ...

    $50 (Avg Bid)
    $50 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...Land Rover. <Requirements for Payment> ・Submit documentary evidence that clearly states the details of the subject product, the name of the company selling the product, and the company that plans to sell the product. Documentary evidence includes websites, YouTube videos, repair manuals, photos of the actual product, vehicle owner's manuals etc. ★Clearly indicate the URL of the website or YouTube site as the basis for the evidence. ★Please clearly indicate where the above technology is disclosed. [example 1]★Technical Details YouTube: “” Time: 2:30-3:15 Product name: “MODEL S” Company name: “TESLA” [example 2]★Technical Details URL: https://OEczSq Written section: Second paragraph Product ...

    $50 (Avg Bid)
    $50 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...Land Rover. <Requirements for Payment> ・Submit documentary evidence that clearly states the details of the subject product, the name of the company selling the product, and the company that plans to sell the product. Documentary evidence includes websites, YouTube videos, repair manuals, photos of the actual product, vehicle owner's manuals etc. ★Clearly indicate the URL of the website or YouTube site as the basis for the evidence. ★Please clearly indicate where the above technology is disclosed. [example 1]★Technical Details YouTube: “” Time: 2:30-3:15 Product name: “MODEL S” Company name: “TESLA” [example 2]★Technical Details URL: https://OEczSq Written section: Second paragraph Product ...

    $25 (Avg Bid)
    $25 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Thumbnail for my monetized/commercial/personal use YouTube video

    $23 (Avg Bid)
    $23 平均入札額
    39 入札

    ...Korean brands. <Requirements for Payment> ・Submit documentary evidence that clearly states the details of the subject product, the name of the company selling the product, and the company that plans to sell the product. Documentary evidence includes websites, YouTube videos, repair manuals, photos of the actual product, vehicle owner's manuals etc. ★Clearly indicate the URL of the website or YouTube site as the basis for the evidence. ★Please clearly indicate where the above technology is disclosed. [example 1]★Technical Details YouTube: “” Time: 2:30-3:15 Product name: “MODEL S” Company name: “TESLA” [example 2]★Technical Details URL: https://OEczSq Written section: Second paragraph Produc...

    $50 (Avg Bid)
    保証 programmer who is proficient in Python, Java, and C++ to develop a small-scale software program primarily aimed at automating a specific task. The task itself is relatively simple, but the automation of it is critical to increase efficiency. Key aspects of the project: - The software program must be designed to automate a specific task. It's crucial that the programmer fully understands the task at hand to ensure a seamless integration of automation. - The scope of the project is small-scale, so the focus is on developing a functional, efficient automation solution. - Proficiency in Python, Java, and C++ is non-negotiable. The software is expected to be developed using these languages. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Python, Java, and...

    $97 (Avg Bid)
    $97 平均入札額
    25 入札

    I have code for login trading accound and fetch token data. I need to update more data from the code to my system.I need to collect live data from the web and candle stick, Mins Intervals are in Dropdown box, I can choose any minutes interval, I need you to collect Last 5 candle data from the Excel in the web and other details for each token, I will give token name in the excel, It will automatically display the rows of data. If i chanage time interval it will display those data only. Need ot automate the buy/sell order Note: I dont know about coding, If you install the code and run successfully at my system thereafter I will hire you and release the payment. If you agree this term you will apply this task Budet is 600 INR and Good review, Dont expect more I am not big fish. it is diffic...

    $13 (Avg Bid)
    $13 平均入札額
    8 入札

    I'm looking for an expert programmer proficient in Node, The bot was created to scrape coins from my Telegram group via API integration but currently, it isn't purchasing as expected. Specifically, I'd require someone who could: - Identify and fix the issues that prevent it from purchasing and selling the scraped coins. - Make sure the bot interacts properly with the Latoken cryptocurrency exchange. This task would suit someone with a strong background in bot programming, API operations, web scraping, and experience dealing with cryptocurrency exchanges, particularly Latoken. Knowledge of crypto trading bots' operational peculiarities would be a major plus. Your task would be to get it back to working condition, ensuring all functions operate as ...

    $38 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $38 / hr 平均入札額
    43 入札

    I'm looking for an expert programmer proficient in Node, The bot was created to scrape coins from my Telegram group via API integration but currently, it isn't purchasing as expected. Specifically, I'd require someone who could: - Identify and fix the issues that prevent it from purchasing and selling the scraped coins. - Make sure the bot interacts properly with the Latoken cryptocurrency exchange. This task would suit someone with a strong background in bot programming, API operations, web scraping, and experience dealing with cryptocurrency exchanges, particularly Latoken. Knowledge of crypto trading bots' operational peculiarities would be a major plus. Your task would be to get it back to working condition, ensuring all functions operate as ...

    $133 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $133 / hr 平均入札額
    18 入札
    Fast-Paced Video Editor Needed 6 日 left

    I'm looking for an experienced video editor to help with my YouTube channel. Key Requirements: - **Experience:** I need someone with a solid track record of video editing, particularly in a fast-paced style. - **Fast-Paced Editing:** The style of editing I prefer is fast-paced. This means the editor should be able to create engaging, quick-cut content that keeps viewers hooked. Please include your experience in your application. I'm looking forward to reviewing your work and finding a great collaborator for my channel. Channel Link:

    $26 (Avg Bid)
    $26 平均入札額
    21 入札

    I'm looking for a seasoned Python developer with a proven track record. This project demands expertise in advanced algorithms and special Python libraries. While I don't need user registration, login, search functionality, or a contact form, I still expect a high standard of coding. The ideal freelancer: - Has years of credible experience coding in Python; - Has displayed ability to employ advanced algorithms and certain Python libraries to build robust websites; - Can share samples of their past work in order to provide a visual representation of what they are capable of. Please ensure to attach a comprehensive portfolio of past Python projects when bidding. Showing me your subject matter expertise and past accomplishments will put you one st...

    $33 (Avg Bid)
    $33 平均入札額
    6 入札

    Good evening, I need help with a Python assignment and I also need programming tutorials in java, Python, mvc, php, Javascript, mysql, jQuery, html, css,, c#. The tutorials would be in Spanish. I need them as soon as possible.

    $15 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $15 / hr 平均入札額
    23 入札

    ...scrape not more than a hundred pages each day. In other words, I do not plan to scrape hundreds of thousands, nor tens of thousands, nor even thousands of websites each day. I plan to use your scripts on a relatively small scale of not more than one hundred websites each day. ******* TESTING ******* You must test your script on Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon Edition to ensure that it runs properly on Python 3.10.12, on the current stable version of Google Chrome, on Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon Edition. I do not care if your script runs on any other operating systems or any other browsers. If you typically use Microsoft Windows, please consider setting up a virtual machine to install Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon Edition so you can test your code properly. In particular, if I were to send...

    $97 (Avg Bid)
    $97 平均入札額
    17 入札

    I need a design to insert into videos (for Instagram and YouTube) so 3 size : 16-9, 9-16 and 1-1 This is for real estate promotion, so basically the design consists to show for a property some basics information : Price, location, m2 (square meter), maintenance fees, bedrooms, parking. I must be able to edit the design to change the information content. You can eventually insert the company logo but just the light version ("R" attached) because there is a video animation with the full logo at the end of each video. Must be o jpg file not an After effect because I don t have the app to edited the content :o/ unless you have a solution to fix that pb. Here are attached an exemple of what I expect (can be the same design for the 3 formats). Just be in mind to use...

    $25 (Avg Bid)

    I'm in need of an expert Telegram BOT developer who can Develop Telegram bot for Solana blockchain Please apply only if you have develop any telegram bot related to blockchain

    $7500 (Avg Bid)
    $7500 平均入札額
    4 入札

    I'm seeking an experienced 3D artist to create detailed and accurate exterior views of my new home. The renderings will be used for architectural presentations, so they need to be of the highest quality and very realistic. Key requirements: - Create a photorealistic 3D rendering of the exterior of my new home. - Ensure the rendering is detailed and accurate. - The final product should be suitable for architectural presentations. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in 3D modeling and rendering software. - Experience in creating photorealistic architectural renderings. - Strong attention to detail and accuracy. - Understanding of architectural presentations.

    $343 (Avg Bid)
    $343 平均入札額
    65 入札

    ...Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Key Requirements: - Content Creation: The ideal candidate should be well-versed in creating engaging, high-quality content that resonates with our target audience on each platform. - Social Media Advertising: Knowledge and experience in developing and implementing successful social media advertising campaigns is a must. - Analytics and Insights: The ability to monitor and analyze the performance of our social media efforts, and use these insights to improve our strategy, is vital. The ultimate goal of this training program is to increase our brand awareness across these three platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in social media management and training - Strong understanding of Facebook, Instagram and YouTube al...

    $81 (Avg Bid)
    $81 平均入札額
    10 入札

    Hi I have a python matplotlib script that allows user to scroll through a 3D image, in nifti file format. It has a slider that allows you to scroll through the z axis of the image. I would like for the image to have a text box that updates chosen coordinates that are selected by clicking on the image at a given slice. I would like for the chosen coordinates to only update if the user clicks on the canvas where the image is. I would also like for the text box to be outside the canvas and slider. If you have previous experience with Matplotlib, this should be no problem. Thank you!

    $130 (Avg Bid)
    $130 平均入札額
    21 入札

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to build a trading bot for the Solana web3 infrastructure. This project involves: - Smart contract deployment - Token and wallet integration - Algorithmic trading bot development Your expertise should include proficiency in creating trading bots, with a deep understanding and prior experience in implementing auto-buy and sell features. Knowledge of trend following, mean reversion and breakout trading strategies is crucial for this role. Additionally, I expect familiarity with the Solana ecosystem to ensure seamless integration. Your input will be vital in positioning the bot precisely within the market dynamics.

    $1613 (Avg Bid)
    $1613 平均入札額
    40 入札

    No AI bidder needed. I'm searching for a skilled artist to create unique and engaging cartoon-style artwork for my YouTube videos. I'm planning to open YouTube channel of technology Please see attached pdf. I want the image in this pdf to be more simple, cartoonish and universal. If I find a suitable artist, we can work for a long term and I will provide more images. Budget is $10 per image. Please apply with your previous work related this project and start with the word 'Apple'.

    $316 (Avg Bid)
    $316 平均入札額
    45 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled Python developer with experience in GPU programming using CUDA to assist in a project that involves image processing and data analysis. - I have a python code and I need to modify it to work with GPU the code takes an image changes its pixels one by one and each pixel change calculates new image hashes if images hash satisfies some specs it save image and code ends. this is whole python code is doing now. it is a 40 lines code. very simple for someone who knows how to code on cuda.

    $39 (Avg Bid)
    $39 平均入札額
    7 入札
    JavaScript- PYTHON EXPERT 6 日 left

    Hello, I need a developer with a lot of experience in JavaSCRIPT EXPERT, Python and Socketweb - with the ability to create and solve problems with easy understanding of codes The rest of the details will be given to the correct developer

    $476 (Avg Bid)
    $476 平均入札額
    106 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled Python developer to create a security application with robust intrusion detection capabilities. Key Features: - Intrusion Detection: The application must be able to detect and alert me about any potential security breaches. - Log Gathering: I'll need the app to effectively and securely gather logs from IoT devices. - Access Control Management: It should have the ability to manage and control access to the security system. Logging Mechanism: - The application should be able to log activities from sensors and smart home devices effectively. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong Python programming skills, coupled with experience in security applications. - Proficiency in designing and implementing robust intrusion detection systems. - Pr...

    $298 (Avg Bid)
    $298 平均入札額
    4 入札


    $18 (Avg Bid)
    $18 平均入札額
    65 入札