
    2,000 list 400 words 仕事が見つかりました。次の価格: USD

    プロジェクトタイトル:ロボットスイープのコピーライティング-英語から日本語 内容:約400語。 要件:母国語が日本語である翻訳者。 締め切り:6月18日午後3時、中国時間

    $15 (Avg Bid)
    $15 平均入札額
    19 入札

    ...テレビやラジオ、新聞、雑誌を見て、  Q:なぜこの会社や商品はテレビ(その他のメディア)に取り上げられたか?  Q:テレビのプロデューサー側はなぜそれを採用したか? について、思うことを書いて頂けませんでしょうか? 対象番組は何でも構いませんが、トレたまやガイアの夜明けでもいいですし、情報番組の一部で取り上げられたものも含みます。 記事の目的は、弊社のクライアントさんがどうしたらメディアに取り上げられることができるか?のヒントを得ることです。 放送された日時はといません。昭和の番組でも結構です。(笑) いつのどの番組かわかるように記載願います。 【お支払いフィーについて】 ・時給がご希望であれば都合に合わせますが、どのような記事をかけるのか、10記事程度送って頂くことはできますか? ・そのトライアルのフィーとしては、下記でお願いします。 ・400文字‥200円/記事、800文字以上‥300円/記事、1200文字以上‥400円/記事 【当方からの質問】 ・時給制にした場合、1日何時間仕事が可能で、1日何記事提出することができますか? 【注意事項】 ・もちろんですが、コピーは禁止です ・書いて頂いた文章について、とやかく言いませんが、次回以降はこうしてくれ!という要望はさせて頂きます。 ・本当はマーケティングに関わる記事にしていきたいので、そのような部分に精通している方がベストですが、最初はそこまで問いません。 ・流行っているものやコト、これから流行るだろうコトやもの(主観で)、海外で流行っているものやことを盛り込んでもらえるとなおありがたいです。 では、上記内容で取り組んで頂けるかどうか?連絡頂けるとありがたいです。よろしくお願いします。 ほんとに、お問い合わせ...

    $170 - $509
    $170 - $509
    0 入札

    ...今回の翻訳作業は、主に、私が取引する相手との、メール文章の翻訳作業です。 在宅でお仕事している方や、主婦の方、家の中で仕事をしたい方、出先で暇を見て作業をしたい方は必見です。 作業の流れとしては、私が受けたメール文章を、作業して頂く方に、スカイプで文章を送ります。 送られた文章を翻訳して、私の所に送ってください、その流れが、1作業です。 その後、文章の内容に返答する為、作業する方に、日本語で文章を送ります。 作業する方は、その文章を英語に訳して、私に送ってください、それでプラス1作業になります。 要は、私と取引相手の、英語と日本語を翻訳し、私に文章を送るだけの作業です。 ※直ぐ辞める方や、連絡が中々取れない方は、ご遠慮ください。 多少の不慣れでも問題ありません。 コミニュケーション能力の高い方を優先します。 1作業単価:0.5$ 作業文字数:20~400 主な作業時間:日本時間 AM9:00~PM:17:00 支払いは、ペイパル・日本系銀行・日本の郵便口座 1日の作業量 10作業~20作業程度(もう少し少ない場合もあります) ※翻訳文章を返送する時間は、出来るだけ速い方が良いですが、作業者の都合も有りますので、最低10時間以内の返答でお願いします。 作業時間は目安ですが、17時以降、文章を送る場合がありますが、都合が悪ければ、報告していただければ、翌日に回すか、その日は作業を中止するか決めたいと思います。 メール文章以外にも、商品説明文の翻訳作業も有ります。 報酬は少々安いですが、簡単で、暇な時間を使って出来る気軽な仕事です。 既に、何名か翻訳作業を、数年手伝って頂いてる方も居ますので、安心して報酬も受け取れます。 翻訳作業を出来る方は、御気軽に御相談ください。 ご検討宜しくお...

    $53 (Avg Bid)
    $53 平均入札額
    6 入札

    今年秋に発売される健康食品の既存のウェブサイト情報(日本語)を編集していただける方を探しています。英語のサイトは完成していますのでそちらをご参考いただけます。食品関係に興味のある方大歓迎!Native Japanese Speakers Only

    $142 (Avg Bid)
    $142 平均入札額
    9 入札


    $7 - $20
    $7 - $20
    0 入札

    I want English proofreading and editing for scientific paper review. (about 4300 words) The contents are cancer biology and medicine -related but not so difficult. I hope the one who had experience of English proofreading and editing for scientific paper File will be provided as MS-Word file.

    $96 (Avg Bid)
    $96 平均入札額
    9 入札

    内容: 生物系の学術誌(総説)です。その英文校正です。コメント内容は科学においては一般的なもので、特別な知識は要求されません。科学系の雑誌に論文を発表された経験のある人が望ましいです。ファイルはMS-Wordで提供されます。 I want English proofreading and editing for scientic paper review. (about 4300 words) The contents are cancer biology and medicie -related but not so difficult. I hope the one who had experience of English proofreading and editing for scientic paper File will be provided as MS-Word file.

    $97 (Avg Bid)
    $97 平均入札額
    2 入札

    1、文章は日本語のみ。 2、自分が書いた文章を日本のプラットフォームに提出できる方。 3、その文章のタイトル中で、我々のドメイン名を含める必要がある。 4、字数は400くらい。

    $610 (Avg Bid)
    $610 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ...しています。 ★仕事内容 (日本のアマゾン)の商品と同一商品を、 タオバオ(Taobao)から探してください。 継続して頂ける方は単価アップあり。 責任もってやっていただける方を募集します。 今後もリサーチ作業は常時ありますので、永くお付き合いが出 来ればと思っております。 ・商品説明の内容(サイズ、カラ―、価格、詳細)を登録して頂きます。 ※文章は中国語、英語の物が多いですが、翻訳サイトを 利用すれば出来る作業内容です! ・スカイプで打ち合わせを行い、何度でも丁寧にお教えしますのでご安心下さいませ。 ★1件あたりの報酬は下記の通りです。 1500円以上  200円 2000円以上 310円 2500円以上 350円 3000円以上 400円 3500円以上 450円 4000円以上  500円 ★重視する点/検討基準 ・PC作業に慣れている方。 ・リサーチ経験のある方は優遇致します。 ・内容に間違いがなく、正確に入力頂ける方を希望致します。 ・Excelの最低限の操作がわかる方 ・中国語、日本語が話せる方。(日本語のレベルが高い方) ・採用後、すぐに作業を取り掛かれる方。また迅速な作業を行って頂ける方。 ・スカイプ、メールの連絡に対して出来るだけ早い返信が頂ける方。(遅くても24時間以内に返信) ・最低限のマナーをもって、誠実に対応、納期を確実に守れる方。 下記の連絡事項に記入の上ご応募お願いいたします。 ・お名前(名字のみでも結構です) ・性別 ・年齢 ・職業(主婦など) ・今までの実績、自己PRなど...

    $113 (Avg Bid)
    $113 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ■仕事概要 今回は、 『自分が詳しい「商品」や「サービス」に関連記事を書ける人』 を募集させていただきます。 関連記事とは、体験談や商品の詳細(成分・性能)などの記事になります。 どういった記事を書いていくかなどは採用前に詳しくお話をさせていただき 煮詰めていきたいと思っております。 まずは、自分がどういった「商品」や「サービス」の記事を書けるのかを 教えていただければと思います。 ■作業時間(期限)と報酬詳細 1記事最低800文字で400円で 30記事書いていただきます。 したがって報酬は400円×30記事=12000円となります。 1記事を書くのに、大体10~20分ほどで書くことが できると思いますので、時給で言うと1200~2400円ほどです。 自分の詳しい商品やサービスについて書くことになるので、 記事自体は書きやすいと思います。 また、期限は1ヶ月以内となります。 基本的には1日1記事を投稿していただきたいのですが、 まとめて作業をするとしたら最低でも週1ペースでお願いします。 また、サイトの運営が順調でサイト訪問者が増えたりした場合は 追加で記事作成を依頼する場合もあります。 ※30記事も書けない!という方もご安心ください。 商品やサービスなどに関しては煮詰めていけばいくらでも記事を書けるものです。 ブレインダンプという方法を使うのですが、それは採用後にお話いたします。 まずはお気軽にご応募いただければと思います。 ■仕事内容 仕事内容は、さきほども書きましたが、 自分が詳しく書ける「商品」や「サービス」などについて テーマをひとつ決めて記事を作成していただくお仕事に...

    $169 (Avg Bid)
    $169 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Local Supervisor Introduction Eurotransは、スイスにある、流通をメインにした会社で、世界400国以上の国々に、いろいろな物資を運んでいます。その取引の際、料金の支払いは、国をまたいでの行うことになります。銀行を通すと、手数料、そして、その際にかかる時間とともに、無駄が多くなってしまいます。そこでEurotransは現地にローカルスーパーバイザーを置き、お客様に、現地のお金で現地の銀行口座に振り込み頂き、それを引き出して、Western Unionまたは、Money Gram で本社まで送金する方法をとっています。 さて、今後、日本とも取引を行うに際に、日本のローカルスーパーバイザーを募集します。 ローカルスーパーバイザーの業務内容 • メールで取引内容を確認する • お客様から日本の銀行口座に支払いを振り込み頂き、それをすぐ引き出して、Western Union または、Money Gram を使って、またそのお金を送信する。 • 月間レポートを必ず提出する。(すべて英語になります) • 勤務時間、日数は特に決まっていませんが、一ヶ月に、3回~5回、平日に取引があります。取引のあった場合は、必ず同日中にお金を返送することが必要です。 • 給与は取引額の5%(コミッション)なので、取引額によって変わりますが、平均一回の取引額は50万から70万、取引回数は1ヶ月3回から5回となります。なお、銀行取引や送金の際の手数料はすべて会社側が負担します。 ローカルスーパーバイザーの応募資格 • 日本在住(日本国内であれば、場所は問いません) • 年齢21歳以上 • eメールを使って、英語でやりとりができる &...

    $979 (Avg Bid)
    $979 平均入札額
    3 入札

    Local Supervisor Introduction Eurotransは、スイスにある、流通をメインにした会社で、世界400国以上の国々に、いろいろな物資を運んでいます。その取引の際、料金の支払いは、国をまたいでの行うことになります。銀行を通すと、手数料、そして、その際にかかる時間とともに、無駄が多くなってしまいます。そこでEurotransは現地にローカルスーパーバイザーを置き、お客様に、現地のお金で現地の銀行口座に振り込み頂き、それを引き出して、Western Unionまたは、Money Gram で本社まで送金する方法をとっています。 さて、今後、日本とも取引を行うに際に、日本のローカルスーパーバイザーを募集します。 ローカルスーパーバイザーの業務内容 • メールで取引内容を確認する • お客様から日本の銀行口座に支払いを振り込み頂き、それをすぐ引き出して、Western Union または、Money Gram を使って、またそのお金を送信する。 • 月間レポートを必ず提出する。(すべて英語になります) • 勤務時間、日数は特に決まっていませんが、一ヶ月に、3回~5回、平日に取引があります。取引のあった場合は、必ず同日中にお金を返送することが必要です。 • 給与は取引額の5%(コミッション)なので、取引額によって変わりますが、平均一回の取引額は50万から70万、取引回数は1ヶ月3回から5回となります。なお、銀行取引や送金の際の手数料はすべて会社側が負担します。 ローカルスーパーバイザーの応募資格 • 日本在住(日本国内であれば、場所は問いません) • 年齢21歳以上 • eメールを使って、英語でやりとりができる &...

    $27 (Avg Bid)
    $27 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ...お仕事です。乗り物が好きで、情報探索能力に自信のある方、ふるってご応募ください。 《募集条件》 ・ニュース記事制作(国内外のニュースソース・話題をもとに記事化) ・経歴不問(経験者歓迎ですが、やる気・パフォーマンスを重視します) ・お住まい不問 ・原則として在宅での勤務 ・記事の本数に応じて原稿料お支払い(単価は能力に準じます) 《応募方法》 下記の編集部宛メールフォームにて、 ・お名前 ・メールアドレス ・年齢 ・現在お住まいの住所 ・得意な分野(あれば) ・執筆実績(あれば) ・応募に当たっての意気込み をご記入ください。記載いただいたメールアドレスに編集部より折り返しご連絡差し上げます。お住まいは問いませんが、入稿方法と条件面についての面談をおこないますので1度当社(東京都中野区)までご来社いただける方を条件といたします。1本の記事(文字数400〜600字程度)につき原稿料1000円、従量制で考えています。

    $7 - $20
    $7 - $20
    0 入札

    I need an accountant to manage tax related accounting tasks specifically GST and TDS filing for my 11-20 clients. - Responsibilities: - Filing GST returns - Filing TDS returns - Periodic accounting in tally for selected clients - Income tax return filing - Coordinating with clients on monthly basis for the...purchase transactions of the client upto 70 transactions per month. For transactions exceeding 70 and upto 100, the rate will be INR 600 per month. TDS returns: INR 750 per TDS return having upto 15 entries and above 15 upto 30, the rate will be INR 1000 per TDS return. Accounting: Upto 100 entries per month, INR 700, for your entries exceeding 100 but upto 200, INR 1000, for exceeding 200 and upto 400, INR 1500. Income tax return : Rate will be discussed as per scop...

    $89 (Avg Bid)
    $89 平均入札額
    21 入札

    I need a Data Enrichment (Entry) Specialist to help me with a project. - I have text and categorical data which need to be further extracted from LinkedIn - The data has to be entered into a specific format or template which will be provided - You'll be required to extract data from LinkedIn for 200-400 leads per day Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Ability to maintain high confidentiality of the data - Proven experience with data entry and enrichment, especially text and categorical data - A keen eye for detail and high accuracy in data entry - Familiarity with LinkedIn and data extraction from the platform (Mandatory) - The ability to work with provided templates and formats - Excellent command over the English language - written and spoken Please reach ou...

    $5 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    39 入札

    I'm in need of a tool that can convert PDF voter lists into Excel in a text format. Here's a breakdown of what I'm looking for: - Conversion Style: I'd like the tool to convert the PDF voter list by combining all columns into a single table. This will make it easier for me to work with the data in Excel. - Error Detection: It's important to me that the tool can automatically detect and correct errors in the text. Nevertheless, I also want to have the ability to manually review and correct the text to ensure its accuracy. - Language: In this case, the tool only needs to handle English language texts. You don't need to worry about incorporating multi-language support. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PDF extraction and conversion tools - ...

    $18 (Avg Bid)
    $18 平均入札額
    52 入札

    I require the expertise of a freelancer capable of securing a pre-existing mailing list. The list should contain the contacts for less than 1,000 podcast listeners, PREFERABLY AUSTRALIAN LISTENERS in the middle demographic, specifically engaged with news and current events. Key skills and experience: - Proven track record in data acquisition - Experience in media or entertainment industry is a plus - Understanding of podcast listener demographics General tasks include but are not limited to: - Purchase or obtain the said mailing list - Verify the authenticity and relevance of the list - Ensure data privacy and ethical sourcing are strictly adhered to.

    $10 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $10 / hr 平均入札額
    9 入札

    INR 400 Per Podcast I am in need of a skilled video editor that can work with Adobe Premier Pro to enhance my podcast. I'm seeking someone that specializes in advanced editing that can help bring my videos to life. Here's exactly what I need: - Advanced editing with a focus on motion graphics and creative transitions to keep viewers engaged. - The ability to effectively manage video content that is typically between 20 to 30 minutes in length. Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience with video editing, particularly with Adobe Premier Pro. - Proficient in Marathi and English language as podcasts will be in Marathi. - Extensive experience with and ability to create motion graphics and creative transitions. - Previous work in editing for podcasts is definitel...

    $57 (Avg Bid)
    $57 平均入札額
    10 入札

    I require the expertise of a freelancer capable of securing a pre-existing mailing list. The list should contain the contacts for less than 1,000 podcast listeners, PREFERABLY AUSTRALIAN LISTENERS in the middle demographic, specifically engaged with news and current events. Key skills and experience: - Proven track record in data acquisition - Experience in media or entertainment industry is a plus - Understanding of podcast listener demographics General tasks include but are not limited to: - Purchase or obtain the said mailing list - Verify the authenticity and relevance of the list - Ensure data privacy and ethical sourcing are strictly adhered to.

    $10 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $10 / hr 平均入札額
    12 入札

    ...idealmente en entornos remotos. - Alta capacidad analítica y meticulosa atención al detalle. - Proactivo(a), con una fuerte orientación a resultados y habilidad para manejar múltiples proyectos. - Compromiso con el desarrollo profesional propio y el de su equipo. Ofrecemos: - Una oportunidad única de dirigir el departamento de Recursos Humanos en una organización internacional. - Salario competitivo de 400 USD mensuales, más un apoyo de seguro médico de 50 USD. - Ambiente de trabajo estimulante y multicultural con amplias oportunidades para el crecimiento profesional y personal. ¡Únete a nuestro equipo y sé parte de una organización que valora la innovación y el compromiso! Esta es tu opor...

    $5 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Specific Task requirements: 1. Explain whether Rebecca is an Australian resident or a foreign resident for tax purposes during the year ended 30 June 2024. In answering this question, if you believe Rebecca is an Australian resident according to the ordinary concepts test, it is not necessary for you to also explain and apply any of the other 3 tests for individual residency (ie domicile test, 183-day rule and superannuation test). 2. Explain whether each of the income items in the table above should be included in Rebecca’s assessable income for the year ended 30 June 2024. 3. Explain whether each of the expense items incurred by Rebecca in the table above are tax deductible for the year ended 30 June 2024. 4. Briefly explain the process required for calculating an individual ta...

    $29 (Avg Bid)
    $29 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...tailored, you can add custom voice over to it How much content? - Daily content - Target is 3 pieces of content per day but 1 video per day is the minimum Very good compensation plan: Flat fee of 100$ per week and 10% of the profit share. You will have acces to the website to see the numbers. So if we do the math, if the website starts doing: 10k/month = 1000$ + 400$ = 1400$/month for you 20k/month = 2000$ + 400$ = 2400$/month for you I personally think the website has potential to do around 30k to 50k profit per month because how easy it was to keep it running at 20k per month in the first place. And second because the payment system on the website is still very unoptimised, which I will fix as the first orders are confirmed. Extra data: website:

    $2290 (Avg Bid)
    $2290 平均入札額
    18 入札

    I require the expertise of a freelancer capable of securing a pre-existing mailing list. The list should contain the contacts for less than 1,000 podcast listeners, PREFERABLY AUSTRALIAN LISTENERS in the middle demographic, specifically engaged with news and current events. Key skills and experience: - Proven track record in data acquisition - Experience in media or entertainment industry is a plus - Understanding of podcast listener demographics General tasks include but are not limited to: - Purchase or obtain the said mailing list - Verify the authenticity and relevance of the list - Ensure data privacy and ethical sourcing are strictly adhered to.

    $78 (Avg Bid)
    $78 平均入札額
    43 入札

    ...high-domain authority websites to improve website ranking and organic traffic. It order to get such links, we suggested our client’s pages as an addition to the relevant lottery-related content in various blogs and media on the Internet. Keyword Analysis This step is a must. We do not go further without it. With results of our deep analysis we guarantee link building projects success – in other words, big numbers of increase in traffic and domain authority. Many link building service providers who just sell the insertions do not do it for you – thus there is no guarantee that the link won’t damage your website’s SEO. Arguably the most important aspect, we begun our SEO campaign by researching thoroughly into various different types of keywords to...

    $6414 (Avg Bid)
    $6414 平均入札額
    34 入札

    250 words translation for a new mobile app from English to German

    $18 (Avg Bid)
    $18 平均入札額
    69 入札

    250 words translation for a new mobile app from English to Russian

    $18 (Avg Bid)
    $18 平均入札額
    58 入札

    250 words translation for a new mobile app from English to Japanese

    $19 (Avg Bid)
    $19 平均入札額
    42 入札
    $6 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Below is the budget range- apply it only if u can do the work in below budget- example - Budget for YouTube video 1. upto 10 min- 300 to 500 rs/video 2. up to 20 min-400 to 800 rs/video 3. up to 30 min or 45 min- 800 to 1300 rs/video 4. I hr to 2 hr- 1500 to 2000 rs/video Reels video editing- 200 to 400 rs example - I need a video editor who can help me handle editing for my upcoming YouTube videos and Instagram Reels. These videos are predominantly educational and instructional in nature, hence the need for an editor who can effectively integrate this style into the editing process. Key Requirements: - Experience in editing YouTube videos and Instagram Reels - Proficient

    $44 (Avg Bid)
    $44 平均入札額
    27 入札

    I need a US based bulk email list with more than 10,000 active email addresses. The primary goal of the email campaign is to promote a product or service in the Technology and Electronics industry. Key requirements include: - Creation of a comprehensive email list of at least 10,000 active US based addresses. - Setting up and executing an email marketing campaign targeting these addresses. - Ensuring the campaign is aligned with the goal of promoting a Technology and Electronics product or service. Ideal skills and experience for this project: - Proven experience in setting up and executing email marketing campaigns. - Proficiency in US based email list generation and using it for campaigns. - Prior experience in promoting Technology and Electronics products or ser...

    $21 (Avg Bid)
    $21 平均入札額
    12 入札

    ...sales and increase brand visibility through Meta Ads (formerly Facebook Ads) and Google Ads. Our company operates two websites, []() and [](), and we have ambitious sales targets of achieving 15 orders per day per website. Our target Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) is less than ₹400. **Responsibilities:** - Create and manage Meta Ads and Google Ads campaigns to drive traffic and sales to our websites. - Conduct keyword research and optimize ad copy for maximum performance. - Monitor campaign performance, adjust bidding strategies, and make data-driven decisions to improve ROI. - A/B test ad creatives, landing pages, and audience targeting to optimize conversion rates. - Provide

    $109 (Avg Bid)
    $109 平均入札額
    33 入札

    Help needed! Looking to hire a developer with diverse skills immediately to help with several ongoing projects. The work includes but are not limited to: - Stripe integration (API) into SAAS, - Build Wordpress plugin to connect SAAS to Wordpress or use EST API? - Help with building out additional SAAS features. - Build SEO tools, and more! I will pay you $400 per month for as long as we’re working together (ongoing). This is my budget, if you need more, do not apply. Lots of work to do so you will be plenty busy! Need help immediately with: Stripe payment integration with SaaS - Finish setting up Saas charges a monthly or yearly fee to be on our pro plan (with 7 day free trial) via API (not Tables) - User should be able to purchase additional seats - ...

    $451 (Avg Bid)
    $451 平均入札額
    111 入札

    Hi, as discussed. I will do your 1500 words Corporate Ethics Project within 20-24 hours

    $2 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $2 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札
    YouTube Monetization Expert Needed 3 日 left

    As a YouTuber, I’m seeking a professional who can contribute significantly to monetizing my channel. I currently lack content but I can guarantee full collaboration on this. You'll efficiently gain 400 hours of total watch time under 4 days, utilizing a batch of videos that are 5 to 10-minutes in duration. Preferably, your skillset should include: - YouTube monetization strategies - Task efficiency - Prior experience with content development is a bonus, irrespective of the niche The project essentially involves: - Creating engaging content - Ensuring content alignment with YouTube monetization rules - Meeting the total watch time requirement Even though I am open to all types of video content, it should be compelling enough to reach our watch time target within the se...

    $26 (Avg Bid)
    $26 平均入札額
    24 入札

    I need a freelancer to conduct thorough research and build an extensive list of destination marketing organisations in 17 cities across North America. These include New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Orlando, Miami, Dallas, Houston, Seattle, Philadelphia, Washington, Denver, Minneapolis, Toronto, San Francisco, Hartford, and Cleveland. Key data points needed: - Names of CEOs and CMOs - Email addresses - Telephone numbers - LinkedIn profile links In addition to this, please include the advertising agency of record for each organization. This assignment demands exceptional research skills, meticulous attention to detail and familiarity with LinkedIn and other relevant resources. Prior experience in industry-specific research or creating contact lists would be an add...

    $135 (Avg Bid)
    $135 平均入札額
    39 入札

    IN YOUR BID - PLEASE INDICATE HOW MANY WORDS YOU ARE ABLE TO DELIVERY DAILY. BUDGET: .015-.03 per word. (depending on experience and industry knowledge) I'm in need of high-quality written content that spans across different categories and languages. The main tasks are as follows: - **Content Creation:** I need a total of 127 articles, web pages, and blogs. The content is centered around interpreting, culture, and translation. Please ensure that the content is engaging and informative, tailored to the respective platform (article, web content, or blog). Most articles must be at least 1000 words in length. So essentially this project this for at least 127,000 words. Instructions: Review all of the content and articles or blogs on our website and rewrite i...

    $1797 (Avg Bid)
    $1797 平均入札額
    114 入札

    We are seeking assistance to scrape contact information from a list of aviation companies. The primary objective is to gather email addresses and website URLs for each company listed in the Directory. The data will be used for outreach and networking purposes within the aviation industry.

    $21 (Avg Bid)
    $21 平均入札額
    74 入札

    ...generate an email marketing list that I can use to promote my hair products. Key Requirements: - Email List Creation: I'm looking for an experienced freelancer who can gather a comprehensive list of email addresses of hair salons in the UK. - Data Accuracy: It's crucial that the email list is accurate and up-to-date to ensure the effectiveness of the marketing campaigns. Ideal Skills: - Strong Research Skills: The freelancer should be adept at conducting in-depth research to identify and compile a list of relevant email addresses. - Attention to Detail: Given the importance of data accuracy, the freelancer should possess a keen eye for detail to ensure that the email list is error-free. - Understanding of Email Marketing: Although...

    $250 (Avg Bid)
    $250 平均入札額
    85 入札

    ...generate an email marketing list that I can use to promote my hair products. Key Requirements: - Email List Creation: I'm looking for an experienced freelancer who can gather a comprehensive list of email addresses of hair salons in the UK. - Data Accuracy: It's crucial that the email list is accurate and up-to-date to ensure the effectiveness of the marketing campaigns. Ideal Skills: - Strong Research Skills: The freelancer should be adept at conducting in-depth research to identify and compile a list of relevant email addresses. - Attention to Detail: Given the importance of data accuracy, the freelancer should possess a keen eye for detail to ensure that the email list is error-free. - Understanding of Email Marketing: Although...

    $31 (Avg Bid)
    $31 平均入札額
    138 入札

    I am looking for a proficient writer to extensively cover concepts, theories and practical applications related to positive psychology for a 4500-word portfolio. The focus area of the portfolio is coaching psychology. Key Requirements: - Explore different theories and concepts within the realm of positive psychology - Analyze multiple real-life case studies - Offer practical tips and advice based on the analyses - Who can utilize proper APA referencing throughout the paper - The portfolio must be academically sound since it is designed for an academic assessment Ideal Candidate: - Familiarity and experience with coaching psychology - Excellent referencing and formatting skills - A strong background in psychology, particularly on the positive aspect - A deep understanding of theories and...

    $54 (Avg Bid)
    $54 平均入札額
    49 入札

    More details: What type of products are you looking to list on Amazon Seller? Electric Bike Are you already registered as a seller on Amazon? Yes Do you have high-quality photos and detailed descriptions for each bike that you wish to list? Yes

    $68 (Avg Bid)
    $68 平均入札額
    11 入札
    AWS Data Engineer & ML Specialist 2 日 left

    Skills Required Python Aws services-S3, glue, athena, sagemaker, feature store Sql UI/ API/SWAGGER PAGE Good in ML 5 days in a week Remote support role You will have to help developer for completing the task Timings - 9 to 11 am IST (or evening IST) Payment - You will be paid for those hours while you will be working, You will be informed in advance if there is no work and for those h...Aws services-S3, glue, athena, sagemaker, feature store Sql UI/ API/SWAGGER PAGE Good in ML 5 days in a week Remote support role You will have to help developer for completing the task Timings - 9 to 11 am IST (or evening IST) Payment - You will be paid for those hours while you will be working, You will be informed in advance if there is no work and for those hours you will not be paid. Budget = 400...

    $12 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $12 / hr 平均入札額
    14 入札

    ...writers to join our team. You Need to write at least 50 blogs/articles of 500/1000/2000 words for us. At Start, We will pay you 75 INR for 500 words. If you perform well then after or before 35000 words. We will increase it to 100 INR for 500 words up to 70000 words. Then 120 INR per 500 words up to 70000 words. After successful completion of 70000 words, the rate will be INR 150 per 500 words, Also, if you are an outstanding writer then we can hire you as our permanent content writer and will provide you a fixed salary per Month. The increment will stop/decrease if you degrade the quality of the articles after the increment. Articles must be informative and interesting. You have to write at least 1000 words per day...

    $268 (Avg Bid)
    $268 平均入札額
    48 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled non-fiction ghostwriter to produce a high-quality book of around 30,000 words. This book will focus on ADHD in young adults. Key aspects: - The book should cover the causes and symptoms of ADHD, strategies for managing ADHD in young adults, and the impact of ADHD on their relationships (family, friends, romantic partners, co-workers etc). - Ideal target audience is young adults with ADHD, so understanding their perspective is crucial. - I prefer a writing style that is educational yet personable. Required skills: - Deep knowledge and understanding of the specific needs and challenges of young adults with ADHD. - Proven experience in non-fiction ghostwriting, particularly in the field of psychology or therapy. - Ability to conduct thorough research ...

    $846 (Avg Bid)
    $846 平均入札額
    23 入札

    More details: What is the subject or genre of your non-fiction book? Self-help What level of proofreading do you want for your book? Moderate grammar, punctuation and language enhancement Do you have a style guide or specific formatting standards? No specific style

    $175 (Avg Bid)
    $175 平均入札額
    79 入札

    I have a list of email addresses/ list that I need help sending same email message (copy and paste) to - to let them know about my services. You warm up your server/ send all e-mails yourself using your server. It is simple 5-10 lines message with one or two links so no design/template is needed. Depending on cost, I can have 500/1000/5000/10000 emails to you. Higher the open rate/less spam filtering better for me. Report quality will be important when it is couple of $ difference in price. We may send same list another message after a week. There is nothing from my end except list and message to send. Bid for 1000 for now. Sending emails twice to same list..

    $26 (Avg Bid)
    $26 平均入札額
    79 入札

    Hi, I have a list of providers that I want to export the users from into a database file that can be used by Gathid (), exacting governance and instant, actionable insights that transcend traditional IAM limitations. I need a script that run and does it so I can implement that on AWS Lambda or similar Serverless implementation. I think Python would be good but also open to Java. I am not sure if you can or suggest to have multiple script that runs as a different process or you can build a Mono-Repo that can handle all of those providers under one process and can be easily scale to add more applications. Below is the list of Providers: Airflow AWS On-Prem AD Azure AD Control Money Data Lake Data Warehouse GitHub Jenkins Kyriba Loyalty Admin Loyalty API Mode MongoDB

    $507 (Avg Bid)
    $507 平均入札額
    105 入札

    I need a skilled individual proficient in skip tracing, product research, and marketing to help me generate a list of verified US Accredited Individuals. Key Requirements: - You will need to provide accurate and verified contact information, including names, phone numbers, and emails. - I'm particularly interested in their accreditation details. Specifically, whether they're accredited by Income, Net Worth, or both. Scope: - Initially, I'm looking to start with a list of 100-200 individuals. However, if you can deliver quality leads and demonstrate consistency, we can scale this up to 500-1000+ on a monthly basis. Target Industries: - The US Accredited Individuals we're targeting should ideally be from the Finance, Technology, Oil & Gas, and Crypto/...

    $129 (Avg Bid)
    $129 平均入札額
    30 入札

    For the effective provision of product information, I'm on the hunt for a talented individual to create an engaging, interactive one-page product list. This page is central to my needs: It should include a minimal display of basic product information such as: - Product name - Product images - Price Coupling the basics mentioned above, I need an interactive feature for each product that allows users to click-through to fuller product details. This will enable potential customers to access further information at their leisure, thereby nurturing their interest satisfactory. Ideal candidates should have: - A solid background in web design or e-commerce design - Proficiency in creating interactive elements - An eye for layout and design that balances information and aesthetic...

    $126 (Avg Bid)
    $126 平均入札額
    72 入札