Line draw animation flash仕事


    2,000 line draw animation flash 仕事が見つかりました。次の価格: USD

    Create a 2D animation video (about 30 seconds per character) using the image of the specified character. 指定したキャラクターのイメージで2Dアニメの動画(1つのキャラクターで30秒程度)作成

    $60 (Avg Bid)
    $60 平均入札額
    5 入札

    - 既存のソーシャル・メディア・アカウントを Twitter、LINE、Facebook、Linkedinの既存のソーシャルメディアのアカウントを許容範囲内の状態にする。 - 各ソーシャルメディア上に小さなネットワークを作る - 新たに確立されたソーシャルメディアからウェブサイトへの訪問を促す - 各ソーシャルメディアアカウントの管理方法に関するガイドラインの提供 - 各ソーシャルメディアのアカウントは、日本向けにアレンジされている必要がありますが、英語でのコンテンツも必要です。 追記:ネットワークの構築とトラフィックの生成は、ソーシャル・プレゼンスに対する市場の反応をテストするために、現在は実験的なレベルとなっています。 また、このタスクが成功裏に完了した場合、将来的に長期的な協力関係を築くことができることに留意してください。

    $150 (Avg Bid)
    $150 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ...ョンが取れる方であれば難しい作業では有りません。 お客様から商品の問い合わせに対して、数日以内には必ず在庫状況の返信が必要ですので、 コンスタントに週4日以上稼働して頂ける方にお願いいたします。 作業量は1日1~2時間程度です。 問合せは多い日でも1日に数件、また問合せがない日もありますので、 店舗営業時間にお電話する以外は好きな時間に作業可能です。自分のペースで仕事をすすめることが出来ます。 【応募条件】 ・ヨーロッパにお住まいの方 (フランス・イタリア・イギリス・スペイン・ドイツ等) ・女性 ・英語が日常会話レベルで話せる方(その他欧州の言語など話されればなお可) ・25歳以上~40歳まで ・ヨーロッパの店舗営業時間(フランス時間11-17時くらい)に1日1~2時間程度、週4~5日稼働できる方 (その日の作業量で時間は変わります。都合のいい時間に細切れで作業可能です) ・LINE、チャットワーク、WhatsApp等でこまめにコンタクトが取れる方 ・接客経験、コミュニケーションを取ることが好きな方 ・現在お仕事をされていない方、今後予定がない方 ・これまでBUYMAの出品や運営のお手伝いをしたことがない方 ・(出来れば)日本の金融機関口座をお持ちの方 ・契約書を交わして頂ける方 ・長期でお仕事をして頂ける方 【報酬】 ①固定給:7,000円(研修期間1ヶ月:5,000円) ②売上報酬インセンティブ ※頑張りに応じて、昇給がございます。 【応募の流れ】 ご興味を持っていただきましたら、下記のフォームに入力しご応募ください。 (予定人数よりも多い場合は選考となりますのでご了承くださいませ) ------------------ ・お名前 : ・ご年齢: ・居住地(国名・都市名): ・これまでのご職業: ・話せる言語・レベル: ・BUYMA経...

    $250 (Avg Bid)
    $250 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ... ※営業経験は必須ではありませんが、積極的に業務に取り組み学ぼうとする意欲は必須です。 ・コーヒーが好きな方、興味がある方を優遇。 ・この仕事は、フルタイムではなくパートタイムの仕事です。電話とネットさえあれば出来るので、自宅で仕事をすることが可能です。 ・コミュニケーション力、マネジメント力、交渉力に長けていて、顧客と良好な関係を築ける方。 ・プレゼンテーションスキルをお持ちの方。 〈給料〉 ・お給料は完全歩合制になります。取引終了後、コミッションをお支払いします。 (※給料のお支払いは無事に弊社が顧客からコーヒー代金を頂いた後になります。) ・コミッションについては、ご連絡を頂いた後にご説明致します。 ※担当顧客が商品を購入する毎にコミッションが入ってくるので、単発ではなく長期的にビジネスを考えている方にお薦めの業務です。 上記の募集内容にご興味がある方は、LineまたはSkypeのIDを下記のメールアドレスまでにお送り下さい。その際は、本文文頭に「I’m REAL」とご記載の上、営業経験(期間や販売商品など)をお知らせ下さい。 Email:info@(担当者:八島)

    $1115 (Avg Bid)
    $1115 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ... ◆応募対象者◆ ・18才以上の方(学生可) ・こまめに連絡の取れる方 ・必要に応じLlNE通話等、オンライン通話の可能な方 ◆報酬◆ 作業時間が多いほど報酬も上がりますが、やる気と努力次第では月30万円も可能です。 1日1、2時間程度のスキマ時間での作業でも1日5000円の報酬を得る事も出来ます。 報酬は、月に5回あります。 ◆募集◆ 人数本気でかせぎたい方を『2名』募集致します。 2名の方は、私が直接ご指導させて頂きます。 ◆その他◆ ・将来に不安のある方 ・在宅一本で生活したい方 ・現状の生活を変えたい方 ・コツコツ作業が好きな方 ・海外にお住まいの方 など 様々に方に喜んでいただける内容です。 一般的なお仕事とは少しだけ違いがありますが 初心者の方もかせぎやすく、様々な方にご提案したい案件となりますので、 詳細など興味を持たれましたらお気軽にご連絡ください。 《山根LINE》 →

    $4000 (Avg Bid)
    $4000 平均入札額
    1 入札

    私たちのウェブサイトに Loading Animation を 挿入したいと思っております。 logo を 使用して cool なものを作ってください。

    $423 (Avg Bid)
    $423 平均入札額
    3 入札
    データ入力 終了 left

    記事の投稿 事業拡大のため、旅行関連の記事作成をしていただける方を募集しています。 学歴、経験、年齢は一切不問です。 誰でもできる簡単なお仕事です。 インターネット環境があればパソコンかスマートフォン1台で、時間と場所を選ばず作業する事ができます。 報酬は週払いで入金され、多くの方が月に計10万円以上は稼いでいます。 上限はありませんので、時間をかけた分だけどんどん稼げます! コピペでもお小遣い程度なら稼ぐことが可能です。 納期や期限も特にございません。 稼ぎたい時に好きなだけ稼いでください! ネット初心者の方にでも取り組めるように動画、メールでしっかりサポートしていきます。 他にも作業で分からないことがあれば、弊社公式LINEのサポートセンターまでご質問下さい。24時間対応していますので、お気軽にご相談下さい。

    $202 (Avg Bid)
    $202 平均入札額
    2 入札
    ウェブ開発 終了 left

    既存ウェブサイトの変更が必要です LINEでユーザーログインする機能を追加したい。

    $1147 (Avg Bid)
    $1147 平均入札額
    15 入札

    ...ご覧いただき、ありがとうございます。 私は実際に、このビジネスと出会い人生が変わりました。 ビジネスのスキームを知ると驚かれると思います。 ◯◯◯とは『コピー』の事ですw ちなみにウチの娘は6歳でコピーをマスターしました。 誰でも実践することがでします。 "コピーだけ"です。 しかも1日1、2時間程度それをするだけです。 スマホorパソコンのどちらかがあれば出来ます。 あなた自身が本気で ・今の現状を心の底から変えたい ・どうしても在宅で仕事をしなければならない と思っているならきっと大丈夫です。 【購入にあたってのお願い】 本気の方からの応募をお待ちしてます。 ①スマホもしくはPC(有・無) ②Wi-Fi環境(有・無) ③収入アップさせたい動機 理由 ④収入の希望額(〇〇万円~〇〇万円) ⑤ビジネスに費やせる時間 ご興味ありましたら、  お気軽にお問い合わせください。 <↓LINE>    (ID:naokiookawa)  

    $18 (Avg Bid)
    $18 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ...・PCがなくても可能です。特別なスキルもいりません。 ・Iphone、タブレット等が普通に操作できる方。 ・しっかりとサポートしますので、だれでも簡単に作業出来ます。 ■応募要件 ・19歳以上の方(学生可) ・内部情報を漏洩させない方(冷やかしでの応募はお断りします) ・PCやIphone をお持ちでLINEの使える方 経済的、時間的自由がほしい方にはぴったりの案件です。 Iphoneでお仕事を初めてやる方でも問題ありません。 簡単に収入をあげられるなんて怪しいと思っている方こそ試していただきたいです。 スキル、経験は問いませんがやる気のある方、マメに連絡つく方の応募をお待ちしております(作業自体は単純ですが根気はいるため) 皆様のご応募お待ちしております。 ご応募の際は、以下の質問に回答してください。 本気で稼ぎたい方からの応募をお待ちしてます。 ①iPhone もしくはPC(有・無) ②Wi Fi環境(有・無) ③お金を得る動機 理由 ④得たい希望額(〇〇万円~〇〇万円) ⑤ビジネスに費やせる時間 ※しっかり自己紹介が、できない方は ご利用頂けません。 *こんな方にオススメ* ●今の仕事が不安な方 ●在宅でお仕事したい方 ●新規事業をお考えの方 ●現状の収入では満足していない方 ●副収入として安定的な収入が欲しい方 ●インターネットでのお仕事を探されてる方 ご興味ありましたら、 お気軽にお問い合わせください。 <公式LINE↓>

    $170 - $510
    $170 - $510
    0 入札

    私のビジネスを手伝ってください >>詳細 ・簡単なコピペ作業、 ・お好きな時間に作業OK (時間帯は融通効きます) ・現在のお仕事の有無は不問。副業、Wワーク歓迎です。 ・育児中、通院中、その他様々なご事情があそっても大丈夫です ・PCがなくても可能です。特別なスキルもいりません。 ・スマホ、タブレット等が普通に操作できる方。 ・しっかりとサポートしますので、だれでも簡単に作業出来ます。 >>応募要件 ・19歳以上の方(学生可) ・内部情報を漏洩させない方(冷やかしでの応募はお断りします) ・パソコンやスマホをお持ちでLINEの使える方 経済的、時間的自由がほしい方にはぴったりの案件です。 インターネットビジネスを初めてやる方でも問題ありません。 簡単に稼げるなんて怪しいと思っている方こそ試していただきたいです。 スキル、経験は問いませんがやる気のある方、マメに連絡つく方の応募をお待ちしております(作業自体は単純ですが根気はいるため) 皆様のご応募お待ちしております。 _____

    $50000 (Avg Bid)
    $50000 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ☆ 長く取り組むことでより高単価になります☆ 月40万以上も可★ スマホやタブレットなどで場所や時間をとわずでき、初心者、主婦、サラリーマンなども活躍中です! ●業務内容は、米有名企業(シンガーのケイティペリーやシンガポールの李首相も会員)の企画をお手持ちのスマホやパソコンで広めていただきます。  日本本格上陸前の今がベストタイミング! ●1日の作業時間はおよそ2〜3時間くらいです 最初はマニュアルがあります。またその後もサポート体制が万全ですので、ビジネスのノウハウも学べます。 応募された方には詳しい事業動画をご案内いたします。 世界ではすでに500万人が取り組み、あのトランプ大統領も太鼓判を押すビジネスです! ----- 【 優先して採用させていただく方 】 ■LINEをお持ちの方 ■長期でお取り組みいただける方 ----- 【 このお仕事に向いている方 】 ■19歳以上の方 ■好きや得意を仕事にしたい方

    $2037 - $3395
    $2037 - $3395
    0 入札

    日本語は下記に記載しております。 Japanese details and requirements are below. Im looking for someone who can make Japanese souvenir package design for foreign visitor of young generation or kids market in Japan. The products are cookie and chocolate. package design is preferred pop and draw with Japanese symbol, like , Ninja, Samurai, Sakura(Cherry blossom), Tokyo tower etc. Make note that please dont use any characters which is protected by copyrights. 訪日外国人向けのお土産商品用の包装パッケージデザイナーを探しております。商品は子供向けのクッキー及びチョコレート菓子で、パッケージには富士山、忍者、サムライ、桜、東京タワーなどの純日本風、且つ可愛らしいデザインを入れたいと思っております。 著作権上の問題があるので、各キャラクターデザインはご遠慮願います。

    $50 (Avg Bid)
    $50 平均入札額
    7 入札

    ...etc) 5. Language: Traditional Chinese 6. Maintenance Notice: 1. Please provide your related works. 2. Please provide your team information. 3. Please provide your detail quotation. Contact us Skype : jpyco168 Line : -------------------------------- 中文說明 -------------------------------- 本公司是食品、百貨批發、代購的公司,需要架設Magento購物網站。我們需要專業團隊協助開發以下需求: 1. Magento 架設規劃 2. 金流模組安裝 (信用卡 銀行匯款 第三方支付) 3. 前台範本設計 (套用模板 or 開發) 4. 登入模組安裝 (google facebook...) 5. 語言:繁體中文 6. 後續維護 注意事項: 1. 請提供您相關作品資料 2. 請提供貴開發團隊資訊 3. 請提供您的詳細報價資料 與我們聯繫 Skype : jpyco168 Line :

    $2380 (Avg Bid)
    $2380 平均入札額
    22 入札

    The task is to make tagline of product in Native level English. (hair care product). Based on the massage outline, submit 5 polished tagline for three line. We will pay $30(U.S) or 4000yen for this and the deadline is Noon of Dec.7th, in Japan time. Please apply by mail with your tagline work attached. Detail will be sent by e-mail. 商品のタグラインを考えていただくお仕事です。 日本語のアイディアを基に英語でタグラインを考えていただき、最良と思われる5案を提出頂きます。予算は5案で30ドルです。英語圏出身期限は12月7日の正午です。応募の際は、ご自身の書かれたコピーがわかる資料を添えてお送りください。依頼内容の詳細はメールにてお送りします。

    $114 (Avg Bid)
    $114 平均入札額
    4 入札

    格安・迅速にランディング・HP制作致します。 LINEスタンプのイラスト・アニメーションGIFの制作も行っています。 まずはご相談ください。

    $433 (Avg Bid)
    $433 平均入札額
    2 入札

    AREAS OF EXPERTISE  Adobe Creative Suite  Photoshop  In-Design  Illustrator  MAC CS4/CS5  Flash  3D animation PROFESSIONAL  Visual Commination  Creative Media PERSONAL SKILLS  Problem solving  Thinking creatively  Attention to detail  Communication skills TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY  Image Editing & Graphic Designing: Adobe Photoshop CS, Illustrator, Flash  Video Editing: FCP, AVID - Media composer,  Adobe Premiere Pro, VFX: Adobe After Effects, 3D Max  Sound Effects: Audacity, Cube Base 5, Nuendo, Protools.  Operating System: MS Windows (Word, Excel, Power point)  Camera Operation: Canon, Nikon  Music - Western Organ Keyboard, Melodica, Singing STRENGTHS Achievement accomp...

    $15 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $15 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札
    Modern Email Header Design 6 日 left

    I'm looking for a talented graphic designer who can create a modern and eye-catching email header graphic to promote a newly released referral system in our mobile app. I need the design to be in line with my existing branding. The overall design should have a modern and sleek feel that will appeal to my target audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design, especially for email marketing - A strong portfolio demonstrating modern design skills - Ability to work with existing branding guidelines - Understanding of email marketing best practices Here are some links to our older designs: https://drive

    $26 (Avg Bid)
    $26 平均入札額
    19 入札

    I'm in need of a talented 3D video animator who has a strong portfolio of realistic animations. The primary goal of the animation is to showcase my product or service to a young adult audience. Key requirements: - High-Quality Animation: The animation must be extremely detailed and realistic to appeal to young adults. - Showcase Product: The video should effectively display the key features of the product/service in an engaging manner. - Fast Turnaround: I'm looking for a freelancer who can deliver this project quickly without compromising the quality of the animation. Ideal Skills: - Prior Experience: Previous experience in creating realistic 3D animations for advertising purposes is a big plus. - Attention to Detail: A keen eye for detail and a com...

    $398 (Avg Bid)
    $398 平均入札額
    21 入札

    I need animation maker to do my ad for my video games coaching website

    $348 (Avg Bid)
    $348 平均入札額
    14 入札

    I need animation maker to do my ad for my video games coaching website

    $355 (Avg Bid)
    $355 平均入札額
    19 入札

    ...quality data) to support effective decision making, particularly in developing economies. As a Site Verifier, you will be responsible for verifying a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' name, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity, as per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Kepanjen, Ma...

    $10 - $15
    $10 - $15
    0 入札

    ...quality data) to support effective decision making, particularly in developing economies. As a Site Verifier, you will be responsible for verifying a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' name, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity, as per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) San Fabian, ...

    $10 - $13
    $10 - $13
    0 入札

    Title: Product information collection for vehicle <Overview> Please collect product information on vehicles that have or will have the technologies described in the “Technology Description” section below. <Technology Description> This technology is a technique that uses light to draw on the road surface in the direction the car is moving. The light changes direction and color based on the direction the car is moving. For example, the light drawing appears white behind the car when the car is in reverse, and orange on the left rear side of the car when it is making a left turn. <<NOTICE>> The target car brands in this search are limited to Japan, US, and Chinese brands. <Requirements for Payment> ・Submit documentary evidence that clearly...

    $50 (Avg Bid)
    $50 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm seeking a creative and professional video producer who can create two 1 minute promotional videos for my clients website - The video will incorporate both pictures and videos that I will provide. You should have experience in transitioning smoothly between different forms of media to create a cohesive whole. - While I’m open to animation use in the video, it's not a main requirement. Your ability to weave a captivating story with given materials is key. - As the video is promotional, it’s crucial that it’s engaging and easy to understand. Experience in creating promotional videos or marketing is definitely advantageous. I will need a second video but this one will be simple The perfect freelancer for this task is skilled at videography, has a c...

    $95 (Avg Bid)
    $95 平均入札額
    29 入札

    I'm looking for an experienced illustrator with proficiency in creating cartoon-style drawings. The project involves creating captivating scenes for my short children's story using my own character pictures as the base: - Draw characters interacting in the same scene, bringing the story to life - Although I expect the illustrations to stick to the story overall, your creative interpretation is encouraged to some extent. I'm interested in how you can add your touch to enhance the narrative. Ideal skills include: - Experience in creating cartoon-style illustrations - Strong communication to understand and incorporate feedback - Ability to creatively interpret written narratives into engaging visuals. Looking forward to your creative bids!

    $38 (Avg Bid)
    $38 平均入札額
    51 入札
    Trophy icon Refreshed Brand Logo Design 6 日 left

    The Soul Barn logo existing logo to be adapted Please read* 1. I would like to keep the barn out line. 2. Keep the words ‘The Soul Barn’ but change the font to something a bit more interesting 3. Add the word Noosa (remove Noosa Hills) 4. Add ‘Animal Assisted Therapy’ under the barn in smaller font 5. Change the background colour to one provided 6. Open to a creative flair on font I'm searching for a talented graphic designer to help breathe new life into my company's logo. I am currently not satisfied with the existing design and want to focus on modifying the color scheme and typography, with a possible addition of few words. Key components of the project include: • Transitioning the color scheme to earth neutral tones from its existi...

    $51 (Avg Bid)

    Can you use MOEX API ISS? I need to be able to do that: We would connect on-line and you guide me.

    $20 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $20 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...16-9, 9-16 and 1-1 This is for real estate promotion, so basically the design consists to show for a property some basics information : Price, location, m2 (square meter), maintenance fees, bedrooms, parking. I must be able to edit the design to change the information content. You can eventually insert the company logo but just the light version ("R" attached) because there is a video animation with the full logo at the end of each video. Must be o jpg file not an After effect because I don t have the app to edited the content :o/ unless you have a solution to fix that pb. Here are attached an exemple of what I expect (can be the same design for the 3 formats). Just be in mind to use the logo design/colors to do the design to get something. I do remarks al...

    $25 (Avg Bid)

    The Avant Garde Video Design Brief Company Name: The Avant Garde Please review the following in the attachment(s): Company Program Slides: Sponsorship Deck Branding: Tentative Brand Guide Logo: The Avant Garde Logo Colors: Primary #008EAA; Secondary #D9B99B Video to be edited: Hero Video Description: Edit the Hero Video to include transition shapes in the company brand colors. The transitions should be quick and resemble the inspiration videos (Inspo_Video_1 and Inspo_Video2) as referenced in the bottom of the attached document. The video should be mp4 format and will be featured on the hero of a website. The resolution should remain high. Inspiration Videoes: Inspo_Video_1

    $30 (Avg Bid)
    Logo designer 6 日 left

    We are seeking a talented and creative logo designer to join our team. As a logo designer, you will be responsible for conceptualizing and creating unique, memorable, and visually appealing logos that effectively represent our brand identity. You will collaborate with our marketing team to understand our brand values, target audience, and design requirements. If...eye for aesthetics. -Strong understanding of typography, color theory, and design principles. -Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and meet deadlines. Preferred Qualifications: -Bachelor’s degree in graphic design, visual arts, or related field. -Experience working in branding or advertising agencies. -Knowledge of UX/UI design principles. -Familiarity with motion graphics and animation. Location:...

    $80 (Avg Bid)
    $80 平均入札額
    100 入札

    I am seeking a highly skilled Blender or Maya expert with proficiency in texturing. However, I am still uncertain and open for discussions on the modeling and the overall theme/style of the project. Requirements: - Expert in either...on the modeling and the overall theme/style of the project. Requirements: - Expert in either Blender or Maya - Proficient in texturing - Ability to assist in creating 3D models if needed - Openness to discuss project's style and theme - Please include portfolio of previous work to show level of skill and style versatility. Any experience with various themes, particularly realistic, cartoon/animation, and abstract, is most welcomed. This project will be an open conversation and I am interested in your creative input. Let's create somethi...

    $5 - $9 / hr
    $5 - $9 / hr
    13 入札

    Project Title: Dynamic NFT Card Design and Animation for Premier Fighting Events Project Description: We are seeking a skilled freelancer or agency to undertake a thrilling project involving the design and animation of a collection of digital NFT cards for two major fighting events: UFC 303 featuring Conor McGregor vs. Michael Chandler and an exciting bout between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul. This project builds on the success of our previous initiative in the fantasy football game space but shifts the focus to the dynamic world of combat sports. The freelancer will create digital cards and animated openings for each card, employing a distinctive and engaging style that captures the intensity and personality of each fighter. Specific Requirements: NFT Card Design: Design fou...

    $120 (Avg Bid)
    $120 平均入札額
    35 入札

    I'm seeking an experienced Google Ads manager who can help focus on lead generation for our Academy's programs, courses both on line & in person primarily targeting young adults aged 18 to 25 for our Diploma programs as well as younger students 8 - 17 for part time teen & children programs. The Academy is a private Career College training in the field of film & television. Key Tasks: - Develop a targeted Google Ads campaign aimed specifically at young adults aged 18 to 25. - While creating ads, the main goal is to generate leads who will potentially enroll in our in person & online courses. - Advise on budget, ad copy, and design to ensure maximum engagement and lead conversion. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in running targeted ...

    min $36 / hr
    min $36 / hr
    28 入札
    2D Animation for Promotional Video 6 日 left

    ...a skilled animator to bring my vision to life and create an engaging promotional video. Key requirements: - You must have experience in 2D animation and be proficient in relevant software. - The goal of the video is to promote a product or service, so your work must be adapted to achieve this goal. - The target audience for this project is adults, so the style and content of the animation must be suitable for this demographic. - Audio narration is still in process, but our market is based on the same thing that this application does, for the Latin American market. - In short, we are looking for an animation that is very similar to the attached video, since the narration will be very similar as well. - If the animator requires the script in the language

    $133 (Avg Bid)
    $133 平均入札額
    61 入札


    $18 (Avg Bid)
    $18 平均入札額
    65 入札

    ...and windows, any new chimneys (indicate height above closest peak), materials to be used, skylights, exterior lighting, and any other pertinent information. Be sure to identify sections that are new. 4. Legal Plat of Survey: A registered land surveyor must have prepared the legal plat of survey. Indicate on it the proposed location of the room addition, the electric meter location, the electric line location, the dimensions of the proposed room addition, the distance from the room addition to all property lines, and the location of any basement escape windows (if applicable)....

    $115 (Avg Bid)
    $115 平均入札額
    32 入札

    ...approach that resonates with this demographic is key. - Sensitivity to content: As these videos will document my personal journey with cancer, it's important that the editor is empathetic and able to handle the sensitive nature of the topic. Future Opportunity: The ultimate goal of these videos is to build a following that I can eventually tap into to promote an app I'm developing later down the line. By creating engaging, high-quality content now, we lay the foundation for this future promotional effort. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong portfolio of editing projects, preferably with experience in social media content. - Ability to add effects and transitions creatively, in a way that's appealing to a young adult audience. - Empathy and understanding of the...

    $107 (Avg Bid)
    $107 平均入札額
    47 入札

    ...quality data) to support effective decision making, particularly in developing economies. As a Site Verifier, you will be responsible for verifying a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' name, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity, as per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) San Fabian, ...

    $10 - $13
    $10 - $13
    0 入札
    Formal E-Commerce Website Creation 6 日 left

    ...keen sense of corporate aesthetic, and a proven track record of integrating user management tools, search functionalities, and transaction processes. Honed skills in design, UX and ecommerce are essential for the success of this project. The site could have 17,000 members who would need to have profiles on the site, there would have to be membership levels, the site would sell merchandice and on-line coureses also charge for consultation on a timed basis. there would have to be upload and download capability for documents and images. it would be good if we could post to the social media account from the site. there would have to be a messaging system throughout the site (google workspace). Also a CRM as many messages to the site will be inbound leads. There can be other suggest...

    $2175 - $3625
    $2175 - $3625
    83 入札

    **Apply from Quebec, Canada, only. I'm seeking a talented 3D arti...whimsical and fantastical appeal. - The model needs to be highly detailed, including advanced textures and features to enhance its visual appeal. - The final product should be original, unique, and capable of bringing a touch of magic to any scene it's placed in. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software, such as Blender, Maya, or ZBrush. - Strong knowledge of character design and animation principles. - A keen understanding of texture mapping, lighting, and rendering techniques to create advanced textures. - Creativity and a passion for fantasy themes, particularly fairytale characters. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to showcase their talent in a visually captivating and ...

    $260 (Avg Bid)
    $260 平均入札額
    23 入札

    ...are in pain die, they might let other patients die. It is possible, therefore, that eventually there will be great loss of death." You should present 3-4 different reasons (or arguments) in support of your thesis. You should come up with these yourself. Nonetheless you can also draw from one or more ethical theories that we covered as well as the relevant articles that we read. Do not consult outside sources. When referencing the material that we did cover, simply cite the page numbers of which quotes, if any, you draw from them. You should also present objections to your view. Here is an example: "Someone might object that, with strict laws, there won't be any slippery slope resulting in the death of many other patients." And you should present respons...

    $95 (Avg Bid)
    $95 平均入札額
    42 入札

    I'm in need of a skilled animator to create a 30-45-second whiteboard animation. The primary goal of the video is to convey educational content. No voice-over services are required, as I'm planning for it to be a non-verbal piece. Key Requirements: - Whiteboard Animation: The ability to create engaging and informative whiteboard animations is a must. - Educational Content: Prior experience in creating educational videos or animations will be highly regarded. - Attention to Detail: I need someone who can ensure the animation is clear, concise and visually engaging. - Time Management: The video should be around 30-45 seconds, so the ability to work efficiently while still producing quality work is crucial.

    $49 (Avg Bid)
    $49 平均入札額
    50 入札

    I'm in need of a skilled individual who can design a system that effectively detects overhead power lines. The primary purpose of this system is to prevent accidents from occurring due to the proximity of these power lines. Key Requirements: - Detection Technology: While I'm open to suggestions, I'm leaning towards the use of laser sensors that can accurately detect thin wires. This is crucial as thin power lines can sometimes go unnoticed by traditional detection methods. - Detection Range: The system should be optimized for short-range detection, around 10 meters. This will allow for timely warnings and preventive actions against potential accidents. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in sensor technology, particularly laser sensors - Prior experience in designin...

    $1205 (Avg Bid)
    $1205 平均入札額
    15 入札

    ...integrate into the broader brand strategy is also crucial. I look forward to reviewing your proposals and past design work. I NEED A PRO GFX EDITOR TO MAKE ME A LOGO/INTRODUCTION FOR MY TWITCH/TIKTOK I NEED A ANIMATION OF A CUBE FORMING TOGETHER LIKE THE 'TRANSFORMERS' FILM IM NEW TO STREAMING SO I NEED A INTRO/OUTRO/ LOGO ETC ALL THAT GOOD STUFF BUT IM NOT OVERPAYING!HAS TO BE APPEALING TO GAMING AUDIENCE AND GENERAL PUBLIC SOME EXAMPLES... THE CHANNEL NAME IS CALLED FLUKEY so the animation needs to evolve around the word 'fluke' so maybe a rolling dice cube style?...

    $102 (Avg Bid)
    $102 平均入札額
    109 入札
    Data Analysis Excel Sheet Creation 6 日 left

    I need an Excel sheet created with the primary purpose of data an...primary purpose of data analysis. This sheet should have the following features: - Data Sorting and Filtering: This is crucial for making the analysis process efficient and easy to navigate. I need the sheet to be able to handle large amounts of data and allow for quick and convenient sorting and filtering. - Data Visualization: In addition to the data analysis, I also require the sheet to include line graphs. I believe that visualizing the data will make it much easier to understand and interpret. The ideal freelancer for this project is someone with a strong background in Excel and experience in creating data analysis tools. It is important that the final product is user-friendly and has a clean, professional a...

    $5 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    34 入札

    More details: What is the intended purpose of the device? Power automation What specific functions or tasks should the device be able to automate? power grid line control Do you have any specific requirements or features in mind for the power grid line control functionality? Real-time monitoring, Remote control. Develop a hardware prototype for detecting illegal electrical current tapping and automatically shutting off power to prevent hazards.

    $115 (Avg Bid)
    $115 平均入札額
    24 入札