40 web design blogs to follow in 2015仕事


    2,000 40 web design blogs to follow in 2015 仕事が見つかりました。次の価格: USD

    ...話で話せれば大丈夫です。  また、ブランド直営店員との商品決済、発送等メッセージのやり取りを行っていただく予定です。 マニュアルを用意していますし、レクチャーの期間がありますので、英語でコミュニケーションが取れる方であれば難しい作業では有りません。 お客様から商品の問い合わせに対して、数日以内には必ず在庫状況の返信が必要ですので、 コンスタントに週4日以上稼働して頂ける方にお願いいたします。 作業量は1日1~2時間程度です。 問合せは多い日でも1日に数件、また問合せがない日もありますので、 店舗営業時間にお電話する以外は好きな時間に作業可能です。自分のペースで仕事をすすめることが出来ます。 【応募条件】 ・ヨーロッパにお住まいの方 (フランス・イタリア・イギリス・スペイン・ドイツ等) ・女性 ・英語が日常会話レベルで話せる方(その他欧州の言語など話されればなお可) ・25歳以上~40歳まで ・ヨーロッパの店舗営業時間(フランス時間11-17時くらい)に1日1~2時間程度、週4~5日稼働できる方 (その日の作業量で時間は変わります。都合のいい時間に細切れで作業可能です) ・LINE、チャットワーク、WhatsApp等でこまめにコンタクトが取れる方 ・接客経験、コミュニケーションを取ることが好きな方 ・現在お仕事をされていない方、今後予定がない方 ・これまでBUYMAの出品や運営のお手伝いをしたことがない方 ・(出来れば)日本の金融機関口座をお持ちの方 ・契約書を交わして頂ける方 ・長期でお仕事をして頂ける方 【報酬】 ①固定給:7,000円(研修期間1ヶ月:5,000円) ②売上報酬インセンティブ ※頑張りに応じて、昇給がございます。 【応募の流れ】 ご興味を持っていただきましたら、下記のフォームに入力しご応募ください。 (予定人数よりも多...

    $250 (Avg Bid)
    $250 平均入札額
    1 入札

    英語のブログやメール文章を和訳するお仕事です。 ブログの内容は様々な分野に影響する未来のテクノロジーについて書かれたものです。 専門用語満載ですが、Googleで単語を調べれば意味が分かる程度ですので、特に専門知識は不要です。 サンプルを添付します。

    $11 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $11 / hr 平均入札額
    26 入札

    下記データをもとにWeb( )への求人情報の入力をお願いします。 また、下記の情報で入力フォーム形式のご確認が可能です。 -メールアドレス:workjapantest123@ - パス:www123456 ■本タスクの流れ(参考) 1)添付したspreadsheetにあります、赤文字を埋めていただく  ・勤務地名(英記)=日本語をもとにローマ字でご入力ください。  ・郵便番号=住所をもとに郵便番号を検索、ご入力ください。()  ・最寄駅名=住所をもとに最寄駅を検索、ご入力ください。  ・最寄駅からの移動時間 =検索していただいた駅から住所までの一番早い移動手段(バス or 徒歩)を検索し、ご入力ください。 2)完成した spreadsheetをもとに、Webへ求人情報を入力していただく ※Webで求人記事の複製機能がありますので、そちらも上手く使っていただければ早くできるかと思ってます。 ※間違いなどがあれば、修正作業を細かく行っていただく可能性がございます。 ※上記の流れはあくまでも参考です。Spreadsheetのデータを埋めて、求人記事がWebにアップされていれば、やり方をお任せします。 ■報酬金額の計算方法 固定報酬:16,520円(413件×40円) 単価:40円/「Spreadsheetデータ入力完了+求人記事Webアップロード完了」

    $101 (Avg Bid)
    $101 平均入札額
    4 入札

    ■仕事の詳細 育児の休み時間や、家事の合間など、スキマ時間を有効活用してみませんか? フリマ経験ある方、未経験者も大募集! ■依頼内容 ・出品代行
 ・商品仕入代行(条件あり) ※完全在宅で完結するお仕事です。 ※扱う商品は、主に20代~40代男性・女性向けアパレル商品や雑貨などです。 ①20代~40代男性・女性向けアパレル商品や雑貨 ②DVDなどのメディア商品 ③家電・日用品雑貨 ※作業するアカウントについてはこちらでご用意したします。ご安心ください。 ■報酬額 購入があった商品1件につき100円 経験度合い、結果によって報酬UPします! ※過去に代行経験ある方は特に優遇いたします。 (ご経験をお話しください。) 時間の合間に頑張れば、報酬アップにつながる歩合制です。 ※月末締め、翌15日支払いです。 ■応募の条件 ・スマートフォン、パソコンをお持ちの方(パソコンは必達です。) ・ 連絡をまめに取れる方 ・誠実なお客様対応できる方 ・コツコツと作業するのが得意な方 ・分からないことをすぐに聞ける方 ・長期的にお仕事をお願いできる方 フリマアプリ利用経験やフリマアプリの出品経験者「優待・優遇」します。 ※スカイプ等で細かな指示をお伝えすることがあります。 今回お仕事をさせていただき、長期的にお付き合いしたいと思った方には、 仕事を任せると共に、基本報酬額をアップさせていただきます! みなさまのご応募をお待ちしております。よろしくお願いします。 ■注意点・禁止事項 データの内容を第三者に漏洩することは厳禁です。 仕事内容についてご質問等ありましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。 ※ご応募の際は、以下をお知らせください。 1.フリマアプリ利用経験...

    $7 - $272
    $7 - $272
    0 入札

    ☆ 長く取り組むことでより高単価になります☆ 月40万以上も可★ スマホやタブレットなどで場所や時間をとわずでき、初心者、主婦、サラリーマンなども活躍中です! ●業務内容は、米有名企業(シンガーのケイティペリーやシンガポールの李首相も会員)の企画をお手持ちのスマホやパソコンで広めていただきます。  日本本格上陸前の今がベストタイミング! ●1日の作業時間はおよそ2〜3時間くらいです 最初はマニュアルがあります。またその後もサポート体制が万全ですので、ビジネスのノウハウも学べます。 応募された方には詳しい事業動画をご案内いたします。 世界ではすでに500万人が取り組み、あのトランプ大統領も太鼓判を押すビジネスです! ----- 【 優先して採用させていただく方 】 ■LINEをお持ちの方 ■長期でお取り組みいただける方 ----- 【 このお仕事に向いている方 】 ■19歳以上の方 ■好きや得意を仕事にしたい方

    $2037 - $3395
    $2037 - $3395
    0 入札

    業務請負の案件です! 期間限定、人数限定です。只今、多数の希望をいただいておりまして、いつまで情報提供させていただけるか分からない状況になっております。 興味を持たれましたら是非ご一報下さい! インターネットを使った在宅作業です。 国内、海外どちらにお住まいの方でも可能。 時間も問いません。いつでも可能。 パソコンやスマホで簡単なコピペから始めますので、初心者、女性の方も歓迎です。もちろん経験者の方も歓迎です! あなた自身がされた仕事が積立収入となり、長期的な安定収入として残っていきます。隙間時間でも本気で取り組めば、月40万円も十分可能な、可能性の大きな案件となります。 ちなみに、転売、出会い系関係、FXや株などの案件ではございません。 ネット初心者の方にでもできるように、動画とメールでしっかりサポートします。 動画やメール、サポートシステムの利用料などはすべて無料です。 今この案件ができたばかりで今始めるにはかなりのチャンスです。 是非、挑戦してみてください。 在宅一本で自由に生活したい、副業として生活の足しにしたい、現状に満足されていないなど、どんな方でもご参加下さい! 少しでも目が止まりましたら、ご連絡下さい! お待ちしております!

    $2037 - $3395
    $2037 - $3395
    0 入札

    ■仕事内容 ●顧客現場調査、打合せ、要素技術開発、構想設計、コスト見積 まで一連の業務を主担当  ●詳細設計、部品加工、外注品購買、組立調整 まで一連の業務を技術指導および承認決裁  ●設計チームの管理または技術教育  ●営業部に技術支援 ■必要資格 【必須条件】  自動化経験が25年以上ある方   ※1 特に、電気製品、OA製品などの業界にて、生産ラインの設計から組立と調整まで一連の経験   ※2 特に、多軸ロボット、画像処理の設計から調整まで一連の経験   ※3 特に、計測・検査工程の自動化の経験 【尚可条件】  中国での勤務経験がある方 【其他】  言語:中国語不問(通訳がいます)  年齢:不問(60歳以上可) ■給与・待遇・ビザサポート 【給与】40万ー50万円/手取り  【賞与】応相談  【海外保険】あり  【試用期間】期間6ヶ月  【試用期間給与】期間給与80% 【其他手当】住宅提供、年一回の帰省手当(往復チケット)、ビザ申請更新  【休暇】国家法定休暇 ■勤務地  中国広東省深セン・東莞

    $2537 (Avg Bid)
    $2537 平均入札額
    3 入札

    <応募条件> ・東南アジア在住のエンジニア ・PHP、Ruby、Rails等を利用したweb開発経験(3年以上) ・リモートワークに対応してくださる方 ・日本語の読み書き能力 ・週40時間以上のコミット <担当案件(一部)> Webシステムの開発を行っており、特に ・Saas型ユーザーアンケート分析システム ・WebRTCを利用した遠隔医療サービス ・CtoCマッチングプレイス ・対話インターフェースのbotアプリ ・機械学習を用いた不動産取引価格予測システム の開発案件多数 を担当していただきます。 また、週一程度でクライアントとのミーティングがあり、 skypeで参加いただきますので、その点もご留意ください。 給与は応相談です。(約20~50万/週40時間) 皆様のご応募をお待ちしております!

    $2702 (Avg Bid)
    $2702 平均入札額
    3 入札

    NPO団体(GCEL:Global Coalition for Efficient Logistics)主導で、世界でのロジスティック動向・状況の調査を実行しており、ロジスティック関連、運送業関連に従事している方でアンケートに協力頂ける方を探しています。 【アンケート概要】 ・質問数:40問(全てに該当しない場合もあるため、従事されている業務に応じて異なります) ・質問事項:ロジスティック事業・業務の動向に関すること。貴社が扱うお客様情報を頂く事はありません。 ・かかる時間目安:回答に約30~40分ほど。+ 後日お電話で3分ほど。 ・出来れば対面でのご回答をお願いしたいですが、お電話でも対応いただけるならそれでも結構です。(調査会社より勿論お電話します) アンケートご協力合意頂けるようでしたら、調査開始日時を相談させて頂きます。なるべく早くの実施をお願いしております。 【御礼】 対面でご対応頂ける方(開催場所:東京都内):7000円 お電話で対応頂ける方:5000円 ※地方の方も歓迎です。 【対象企業・条件】 ・ロジスティック・運送業企業、3PL(サードパーティー・ロジスティクス)、貨物取扱業者、港運業者・・・などにて従事されている方。 ・本社が地方の企業様、日本全国(地方)に支店をお持ちの企業様。特に北海道・東北エリア、中国・四国、九州エリアの企業様、支店のある企業様を特に探しております。 企業名を頂ければ調査該当いただけるかどうか確認が簡単になりますので、依頼時にあわせて頂ければ幸いです。(あまり細かい審査ではありません) 頂いた調査結果に関しては、調査分析の目的以外には利用いたしません。 企業様のエンドユーザー様に関する情報を頂く事もありません。 ご興味のある方、またご不明点がありましたらご質問...

    $20 - $170
    $20 - $170
    0 入札

    ■冊子 ■初稿5日以内 ■入稿までにトータル8日以内 ■フルカラー 4c/4c ■ページ数40~50p ■日本人 フォトショップ、イラストレーター、インデザインのいずれか で作成可能な方。 ■値段 4万円 毎月定期的にお仕事をお願いするので、 継続的にお付き合いできる方を募集致します。

    $339 (Avg Bid)
    $339 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ...via cron, and auto post as wordpress article. On front-page, the website should have 30 new articles. And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap for visitors Sitemap for Google Webmaster tool === required skill

    $357 (Avg Bid)
    $357 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...errors and several UI layout issues. Ideally, the chosen candidate will be proficient in working with the Flutter framework, experienced in solving similar issues, and familiar with both Android and iOS development. • Build Errors: My project has been spawning various build errors that hinder the execution of the application. The freelancer is expected to help identify and rectify these errors. • UI Layout Problems: There are also vital concerns with the user interface layout. Some pages don't render correctly on different screen sizes, and the general responsiveness of the UI is inconsistent. The task would involve pinpointing these problems and implementing effective solutions. • Platform: The application is to be developed for both ...

    $30 (Avg Bid)
    $30 平均入札額
    3 入札
    writers blog 6 日 left

    ...] to an external site. to guide your approach. Each paragraph within the blog should have a clear topic sentence, body, and conclusion with transitions to move from one idea to the next. You will complete a rough draft and a final draft for this assessment. Content: You should focus on the information that you think would be most useful to students. You have two options: You can go for breadth, by including material from multiple topics (weeks) covered in the class; OR You can go for depth and include only material from 1 specific topic covered in the class. To demonstrate originality, include information from at least three sources shared with you within this course or the course you choose to highlight in your...

    $12 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $12 / hr 平均入札額
    28 入札

    Perform an in-depth sensitivity analysis of a Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) process for CO2 capture using zeolite 13X. Scale up a CO2 capture system from a small-scale experimental study detailed in the attached research paper to an industrial application focusing on a flue gas stream solely made up of CO2 and N2. This comprehensive investigation can be based on specific equations, data, and parameters that will be provided from a relevant paper. Duties and Responsibilities: - Understand the Base Model: Analyze the experimental study to grasp foundational models and calculations. - Industrial Sensitivity Analysis: Utilize any effective method to scale up these findings to industrial levels. - Use MATLAB, Excel, or any other tool to condu...

    $70 (Avg Bid)
    $70 平均入札額
    14 入札
    Pasar contrato a digital 6 日 left

    Hola, tengo un contrato y busco una persona que me lo pasé a digital que yo rellene los campo con los datos y luego le envié un link al cliente, el cliente pueda ver una vista previa con los datos que tiene el contrato y abajo salga un campo de forma digital se puede hacer con java ya Tengo u...diga confírmar contrato y aparezca un pop con un botón para descargar una copia, yo debo tener un panel sin login que pueda ver la lista de contrato que se halla estado llenando y con su botón de ver para ver el PDF la descarga se haría en PDF. Coloco todo la información aquí para que no estén preguntando lo mismo por privado. Es Php, HTML, java, css más nada debe ser resposive. PRESUPUESTO 40$ A 50$ USD NETOS. ES ALG...

    $19 (Avg Bid)
    $19 平均入札額
    6 入札

    I'm looking for a talented individual who can help me improve my...and marketing efforts. Key Details: - Objective: The main aim of this project is to enhance my branding and marketing strategies through the creation of compelling textual content, specifically blogs and articles. - Audience: The target audience for this content are young adults aged between 18 to 24 years old. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in content creation, specifically in writing blogs and articles. - Understanding of the preferences and interests of young adult demographic. - Strong grasp of branding and marketing principles. - Ability to craft engaging and shareable content. If you have the right skills and experience, and would like to...

    $17 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $17 / hr 平均入札額
    20 入札

    We are looking for Norwegian Transcribers to transcribe Norwegian Audio to Norwegian. You must have good Internet and Laptop You should be able to work for 6-8 hours a day Work Description =============== 1. You will receive the time segmented audio files in the online portal 2. You will transcribe as you hear on each segments 3. You will be asked to follow transcription guidelines.

    $1500 - $3000
    $1500 - $3000
    0 入札

    I'm in need of a comprehensive warehouse inventory replenishment tracking system for our Fastener drawer at Home Depot. The system should have a focus on reporting and analytics, real-time bin shrink, and work with an electronic keypad and analog/digital interface. Key Features: - **Reporting and Analytics:** The system should provide insightful reports on inventory levels and trends. This will help us make data-driven decisions. - **Real-Time Bin Shrink:** I need to know if the quantity of items in the bin matches the recorded amount. - **Interface:** A mobile app interface will be ideal, making it easy for staff to work on the go. Inventory Tracking: - The system should involve manual entry for inventory tracking. The system should be user-frie...

    $15 - $25 / hr
    地方 シール
    $15 - $25 / hr
    14 入札

    I'm in need of a skilled WordPress developer with experience in e-commerce development. Key requirements: - I already have both domain and hosting, so your expertise on this matter is not necessary. - The primary goal of my website is to sell products or services online, so you should have proven experience in creating successful e-commerce platforms. - Specific e-commerce features needed include payment gateway integration, customer reviews and ratings, and the ability to post blogs. Your skills should include: - Proficiency in WordPress development - Strong understanding of e-commerce functionalities - Experience in integrating payment gateways - Ability to implement customer reviews and ratings system - Knowledge on...

    $75 (Avg Bid)
    $75 平均入札額
    28 入札

    ...comprehensive marketing analytics tool designed to integrate data from various advertising platforms, website activity, CRM, and Marketing Automation Platforms (MAP) to provide a unified view of marketing performance. We require a highly skilled and efficient Data Engineer or Architect who can handle data export processes, model and create tables and entity relationships, and develop an efficient and scalable database within a tight one-month deadline. ### Responsibilities: - Data Integration: connect and streamline data from multiple sources including ad platforms (like Google Ads, Facebook), website analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics), CRM systems (e.g., Salesforce), and MAPs (e.g., HubSpot). - **Accelerated Database Design:** Design and implement a r...

    $17 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $17 / hr 平均入札額
    11 入札

    I am in need of a professional and experienced video editor who can highlight the amenities of various real estate properties in a cinematic style. This project will require: - Speed Ramping - Warp Stabilising - Good flow Experience in real estate video editing would be preferred. I am eager to provide further details and discuss your ideas on how we can show these properties in the best possible light. Project Pays $40-50 AUD per video.

    $57 (Avg Bid)
    $57 平均入札額
    44 入札

    I am looking for a skilled social media expert to manage my advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. The primary goal of these campaigns is to significantly boost our sales and conversions. Key Responsibilities: - Strategize and execute targeted ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram - Optimize campaigns to increase conversions and sales - Regularly monitor and report on the performance of the ads Ideal Candidate: - Previous experience in managing successful social media ad campaigns, particularly on Facebook and Instagram - Strong understanding of conversion optimization techniques - Familiarity with targeting professionals aged 25-40 - Analytical skills to assess and improve campaign performance Please provide a portfolio of your previ...

    $125 (Avg Bid)
    $125 平均入札額
    28 入札

    I'm in search of a talented and passionate content creator to manage a Bakery Instagram account, primarily catering to Romanian speakers. The role involves: - Crafting and posting engaging content thrice or four times a week. I'm particularly interested in someone who knows how to tell a compelling story through visuals and words to captivate our audience. We have the design for account @, so you will follow it The main goal for this role is to boost customer engagement. To let new customers from the city know about bakery. Fluency in Romanian is a must.

    $146 (Avg Bid)
    $146 平均入札額
    22 入札

    I'm looking for a talented animator to create a detailed, step-by-step animation of the installation process of fire protection panels. The animation should provide a clear understanding of how the system is assembled, making it easy for technicians and installers to follow along. Key Requirements: - Detailed Animation: The animation needs to be highly detailed to show the specific components and connections of the system. - Step-by-Step Process: The animation should follow a logical sequence, breaking down the installation process into clear and easy-to-follow steps. - Audience-Oriented: The animation is intended for technicians and installers. Therefore, it should be technical enough to be instructive but also accessibl...

    $143 (Avg Bid)
    $143 平均入札額
    38 入札

    (Please read the instructions carefully.) 1. Contest Description: We are pleased to launch a new digital health app that specialises in relieving symptoms during the menopause. It's called the "Vera-App" (note: the app is also called the "Vera-Wechseljahre-App" in the app store. In German, "Vera" is a woman's name and "Wechseljahre" means "menopause". V and W is pronounced the same way in german). This app is intended to be a supportive ally for women. We invite creative designers to contribute their artistic vision to this initiative. 2. What We Need: Seeking a skilled illustrator to create distinct 1.) logos, 2.) appstore icons, and 3.) color schemes reflect...

    $319 (Avg Bid)
    241 エントリー

    ...looking for a skilled professional to help me plan the conversion of a 40 foot container into a comfortable living space. The requirement is for 1-2 people. Key requirements: - Design a functional layout: The space should include a kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom, whilst ensuring a comfortable living environment for 1-2 occupants. - Utilize the limited space effectively: The container size is 40 feet, so the design should maximize utility without compromising on comfort. - Ensure safety and compliance: The final plans should meet all relevant building and safety codes. Ideal skills and experience: - Experience in architectural or interior design with a focus on small spaces. - Knowledge of container conversions and the unique challenges ...

    $639 (Avg Bid)
    $639 平均入札額
    54 入札

    I need an experienced cold caller to generate sales and conversions by reaching out to businesses. Key Points: - Target Audience: The focus will be on B2B outreach. Previous experience in B2B cold calling is highly preferred. - Script Provided: I have a specific script for the calls. Please be prepared to follow it closely and ensure a polished delivery. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in cold calling, especially in the B2B sector. - Excellent communication and negotiation skills. - Ability to follow a script while maintaining a natural conversation flow. - Experience in sales and conversion-focused campaigns would be a big plus. Please provide examples of previous cold calling projects you'...

    $5 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    5 入札

    ...freelance animator who can bring our vision to life by creating a custom-made avatar resembling a famous individual. Additionally, we require expertise in animating elements within a provided video clip, specifically animating a banner falling down from a building. **Responsibilities:** 1. Create a custom avatar resembling a well-known individual, capable of walking and talking convincingly. 2. Animate the avatar to mimic the movements and speech patterns of the referenced individual. 3. Integrate the avatar seamlessly into provided video footage, ensuring realistic interaction with the environment. 4. Animate a banner falling down from a building within the video clip, following provided guidelines for timing and style. **Requirements:** 1. Proven experience i...

    $1807 (Avg Bid)
    $1807 平均入札額
    35 入札
    Throne furniture CAD Design 6 日 left

    I need a highly skilled CAD designer to create a detailed model of a Victorian style throne. who can start immideatly and complete Key Details: - The throne should follow a Victorian design - The throne needs to be modelled using metal Ideal Skills: - Experience in furniture design - Proficiency in CAD software - Knowledge of Victorian furniture styles - Understanding of metal materials in design Your deliverable will be a CAD file with detailed dimensions and views of the throne. The design should be elaborate and evoke the grandeur associated with Victorian aesthetics.

    $47 (Avg Bid)
    $47 平均入札額
    8 入札

    I'm looking for someone to assist me in 3D rendering my house in a specific colour and make some other edits to the home in preparation for a renovation project. The changes need to include: - Extend the wall above garage doors by 80cm all the way around and insert planter boxes (if you can create one image with and without the plants falling across, see mock up option). - Insert balcony cover / roof across upstairs right glass door, in line with wall/roof on the legal, and to blend with house colour and render (include 1 rendered post on the right) - Align the garage doors so where both doors and the wall meet are aligned with the door to the right. - Remove window and door framing so they are flush to the w...

    $100 (Avg Bid)
    $100 平均入札額
    48 入札

    ...they're in sync with the audio and properly formatted. - Written Content: I need support in creating written content that will support my videos. This could be in the form of descriptions, blogs or other text related to the videos. - Graphics: I'm looking to add graphic elements to my videos to enhance visual appeal and reinforce key points. - Video Editing: I would appreciate help in editing my videos in a way that is in tune with the tone and message of the content. Ideal Candidate: - Must have prior experience in creating subtitles, preferably for video content. - A background in content writing, with a knowledge of SEO practices and conversion-focused writing. - A good eye for de...

    $69 (Avg Bid)
    $69 平均入札額
    15 入札

    Able to follow instruction, can be done in 3 days. CRUD for 3-4 tables only

    $29 (Avg Bid)
    $29 平均入札額
    47 入札

    Integrate 3 API only. Source code is ready. Able to follow and close project in 3-4 days

    $53 (Avg Bid)
    $53 平均入札額
    56 入札

    I'm in search of a qualified developer to create a sniper bot. This complex trading bot should ideally have the following features: -most important function is a sniper bot function with the ability to snipe the contract based on the wallet of the creator or a name used to deploy it. Example all the contracts that use the name PEPE will be bought instantly on presets values. and if i select the option to follow certain wallet will buy everything this wallet launches on - Automatic buy and sell orders: This bot should be able to place trades on my behalf, minimizing manual intervention. - Real-time blockchain analysis on the Solana network - Customizable alert system: I want to be alerted with all PNL data for every trade exec...

    $620 (Avg Bid)
    $620 平均入札額
    15 入札

    ...been asked to evaluate an obesity program being implemented in 5 health community clinics in Chula Vista, CA. Another 5 clinics in Poway,CA were chosen by the evaluator for comparison. The program has not yet started. They would like you to evaluate whether the intervention was implemented as intended. You will evaluate the behavioral changes stemming from the 12-week program for 30 people at each clinic at 3 follow-up time points. They shared with you that they intervened in steps, which involved preparation, action, and maintenance around exercise. They encouraged community members to walk/run 3 days a week and eventually make it a life-long habit. The main outcome was minutes of walking/running per week. Participants w...

    $122 (Avg Bid)
    $122 平均入札額
    30 入札

    I'm in search of a qualified developer to create a sniper bot. This complex trading bot should ideally have the following features: -most important function is a sniper bot function with the ability to snipe the contract based on the wallet of the creator or a name used to deploy it. Example all the contracts that use the name PEPE will be bought instantly on presets values. and if i select the option to follow certain wallet will buy everything this wallet launches on - Automatic buy and sell orders: This bot should be able to place trades on my behalf, minimizing manual intervention. - Real-time blockchain analysis on the Solana network - Customizable alert system: I want to be alerted with all PNL data for every trade exec...

    $813 (Avg Bid)
    $813 平均入札額
    26 入札

    I am looking for experienced freelance content writers to create engaging blogs, articles, and website content focused on the technology and IT consulting industry. This content is intended to be read by business executives, so it needs a sophisticated tone without too many technical jargons. The ideal candidate will have: - A strong understanding of the technology and IT consulting industries - Experience in writing for a business executive audience - The capacity to create less than 10 pieces of high-quality content Kindly submit your proposals, rates, and relevant portfolio samples. Looking forward to working with you.

    $48 (Avg Bid)
    $48 平均入札額
    13 入札

    ...an expert in Framer to design a modern, clean website for professionals like me. The website will have a total of 6 pages, with no e-commerce features. The primary objective is to provide information to the visitors. The ideal freelancer for this job should have: - Proficiency in Framer and web design - Strong understanding of modern, clean design principles - Experience in creating UI/UX for professional audiences I have the rough layouts already and the content to be used. But you have to put it together in a beautiful looking website. Logo and color theme is also final. The website will have following pages: Home Page Mobile App - we have a mobile app on google play store, we want to...

    $137 (Avg Bid)
    $137 平均入札額
    38 入札

    ...appointment setter to help me follow up with my business leads in the UK. These leads are specifically in the home improvement industry. Your primary responsibility would be making phone calls to these leads, establishing a relationship, and setting up appointments for me. Key Responsibilities: - Follow up with UK-based business leads in the home improvement sector. - Make phone calls to these leads in a friendly, professional manner within 5 minutes of leads being submitted. - Establish a rapport with the leads and qualify them for appointments. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in telemarketing, appointment setting or sales. - Familiarity with the UK market and home improvement industry. - Excellen...

    $1409 (Avg Bid)
    $1409 平均入札額
    10 入札

    Overview: We are excited to announce our initiative to expand and diversify our business clientele. As a dynamic and innovative company, we are constantly striving to enhance our market presence and drive sustainable growth. In line with this vision, we are actively seeking new business accounts to partner with us in our journey towards mutual success. Objective: The primary goal of this project is to identify and acquire new business accounts that align with our values, objectives, and expertise. By expanding our client base, we aim to: Increase revenue streams and profitability. Enhance market reach and penetration. Strengthen brand recognition and reputation. Foster long-term partnerships and collaborations. Target Audience: We a...

    $155 (Avg Bid)
    $155 平均入札額
    15 入札

    I'm in need of a logo for my blog which delivers profound life lessons motivating others. The ideal candidate will create an outstanding logo which reflects the earthy and natural colors that I envision for my blog. As a designer, your skills should include: - Master level knowledge of Adobe Creative Suites, - Experience in designing logos for blogs, - Ability to create concepts based on the narrative given Your task will be to incorporate abstract shapes into the logo. A knack for creating abstract and engaging visuals is a plus. A portfolio showing similar work would be beneficial.

    $27 (Avg Bid)
    $27 平均入札額
    70 入札

    I'm in need of a versatile writer for my blog. I specifically need someone who can create engaging, in-depth content on a variety of topics, including Technology, Health, Life Coaching, and Education. The ideal candidate should be able to cover these subjects in a way that's both informative and compelling. Key requirements and responsibilities: - Crafting 750-1000 word blog posts on a regular basis (frequency not yet confirmed) - Researching and keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the specified topics - Ensuring all content is original and not AI generated - Writing in a style that's accessible and engaging for a broad audience Ideally, you should have: - Proven experience in content writi...

    $19 (Avg Bid)
    $19 平均入札額
    20 入札

    As a busin...with diverse inventory, I am in need of an application to generate unique SKUs, track their usage, and store pertinent SKU information. A distinctive facet of the project will be the creation of a custom format SKU algorithm incorporating department codes, which will ensure efficient identification and organization on our part. As such, a freelancer with a background in inventory management systems or similar projects would be advantageous. This job will require: We have a convention to follow for creation of the SKU IDS. Furthermore I want the ability to add product images at the time of generating the SKU. - Strong knowledge in application development. - Experience with custom format algorithms. - Understanding of department...

    $27 (Avg Bid)
    $27 平均入札額
    9 入札

    ...funding opportunities in order to ensure successful grant approvals. The Grant Writer MUST be Canadian or have the expertise and experience with the Canadian government, ideally living in Canada and speaks and writes English Fluently. They MUST specialize in IT/digital marketing/ ecommerce/employee hiring grants They MUST have a proven strong track record of total grants submitted vs approvals in the last year within Canada. They are responsible for finding funding opportunities for our organization and writing polished proposals to earn Ontario & Federal government grant money. The Grant Writer will identify, define and develop funding sources to support existing and planned program activities as well as lead the development, ...

    $783 (Avg Bid)
    $783 平均入札額
    25 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled Python developer with experience in GPU programming using CUDA to assist in a project that involves image processing and data analysis. - I have a python code and I need to modify it to work with GPU the code takes an image changes its pixels one by one and each pixel change calculates new image hashes if images hash satisfies some specs it save image and code ends. this is whole python code is doing now. it is a 40 lines code. very simple for someone who knows how to code on cuda.

    $39 (Avg Bid)
    $39 平均入札額
    7 入札

    ...expertise to create authoritative blogs focused on the sport and its link to wellness. Your role will involve crafting engaging content that provides our swimming network with valuable insights and advice on all things swimming. The chosen candidate will have a specific focus on: - Techniques and skills - Safety tips - Equipment reviews - Open water swimming - Swimming tourism - Pool coaching - Swimming community wellness - Detailed understanding of pool strokes, open water, and marathon swimming - Write engaging, informative blogs on all aspects of swimming (mostly related to our Swimming Adventures) - Ensure content accuracy - Engage with swimmers by addressing common concerns and questions - Their proven swimming background - Excellent writing a...

    $12 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $12 / hr 平均入札額
    46 入札

    I need a small metal shade structure built for a few horses to provide both sun and rain protection. The design should be durable, weather-resistant, and easy for the horses to access. - Materials: As indicated, the shade structure must be primarily built with metal for longevity. - Size: 40'X13' Ideal skills for this job include: - Experience with metalwork and construction - Understanding of, and experience with designing structures for animals, particularly horses - Knowledge of local weather conditions to best determine structure design. - drawing must meet Maricopa County standards

    $963 (Avg Bid)
    $963 平均入札額
    48 入札

    ...experienced design freelancer to create a template and logo for our online ERP system, under the name "SOLTETI". The template will be based on the existing layout of the following website: [Link to website: ] Project description: Goal: Develop a template and logo for our online ERP system, maintaining the visual identity and functionalities of the website layout provided above. Layout Details: The website layout provided will be made available to the selected freelancer for reference and inspiration. Technical requirements: The template must be compatible with our ERP system and easily integrated. It must follow best design and usability practices. Be responsive, ensuring a consistent experience across different devices. Deli...

    $153 (Avg Bid)
    $153 平均入札額
    58 入札