
    2,000 200 articles reviews 仕事が見つかりました。次の価格: USD

    弊社について 弊社は愛知県名古屋市にあり、主に企業様のグローバルなIT案件やIT人材の斡旋サポートをしています。現在は日本各地でITサポートやヘルプデスクサポート、ネットワークサポートサービスの需要があり、このような案件に対応している代理店やフリーランサーの情報収集をしています。 業務詳細 日本国内における、ITサポート・ヘルプデスク・ネットワークサポート業務を受注しているフリーランスの情報収集 ・日本国内にある、二言語もしくは日本語対応可能なフリーランスの情報をWeb検索等でスクレーピングしていただきます ・収集した情報をまとめリストを作成していただきます(リスト項目は下記参照) ・リストはGoogleスプレッドシートとExcelの2つを作成していただきます ・リストは二言語(日本語、英語)のシートを作成していただきます ・リストは最低でも200名を目標に作成していただきます 予算 5,000円~10,000円 リスト項目 ・名前(漢字、よみ、ローマ字) ・姓名(漢字、よみ、ローマ字) ・職種(ITサポートエンジニア、ヘルプデスクエンジニア等) ・連絡先(メールアドレス) ・連絡先(電話番号)※不明な場合は不要 ・LinkedInアカウント ※不明な場合は不要 ・国籍 ・言語 ・所在地(国) ・所在地(市区町村) ・実務経験(年単位) ・対応可能なスキル ※重要※ ・リストのメールアドレスは、実際に使えるもので、照合ソウフウェアなどで確認をしたもののみを記載してください ・プロジェクト方式のため、まずは計画とお見積もりをご提案ください ・応募する際は、簡単な自己紹介とレジュメを英語、日本語でご用意の上送付ください ・本案件と類似案件で実務経験がある方は記載いただければ優遇いたします

    $73 (Avg Bid)
    $73 平均入札額
    3 入札

    日本のアニメ・ニュース関係の記事を翻訳していただきます。 また、日本人がそのニュースに対して頂いた感想等も翻訳してください。 ■おすすめポイント 慣れれば1記事1時間もかからず終わります。 ■言語について 日本語が正確に書けなくても問題有りません。機械翻訳等を駆使して行っていただいても大丈夫です。 ただし、やり取りは日本語で行いますので、多少話せる方を募集いたします。 英語は正確・自然な形で記載をお願いします。 ■納品方法について wordpressのIDを発行しますので、そちらに記載をお願いします。 ■報酬について 10記事110usd程度を考えています。

    $98 (Avg Bid)
    $98 平均入札額
    19 入札

    ホノルルで結婚式の写真を撮った経験のある日本語を話すカメラマンを探しています。 可能であれば、写真家は結婚式の写真撮影の経験を最適化することができる化粧やヘアスタイリングの準備で花嫁を支援するべきです。 仕事の説明を読んだことを示すために、「I am real」と返信してください。 私達は完了する仕事全体のために200ドルを提供します。 興味のある方はご連絡ください。

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 入札

    My friend has 200 pics gaming headset at Amazon warehouse, I want to help her to promote and set up a Gaming Headphones Fan Club. The member of this club will get a free gaming headset, delivery by Amazon. We need you provide a Receive name, Address, City, Postcode and a phone number(Optional). Thank you for your time and best wishes. 私の友人はアマゾンの倉庫で200本のゲーム用ヘッドセットを持っています。私は彼女をプロモーションに援助し、ゲームヘッドフォンファンクラブを設立したいと考えています。 このクラブのメンバーは、Amazonによる無料のゲームヘッドセットを手に入れます。 あなたは名前、住所、市区町村、郵便番号、電話番号を受け取る(オプション)必要があります。 私たちに参加してください。 あなたの時間と最高の願いをありがとう。

    $69 (Avg Bid)
    $69 平均入札額
    1 入札

    我們正在尋找對劇本寫作有認識/經驗人仕,幫忙把已有的小說文字,改編成為互動故事的劇本,完成品總字數約為150,000字。原著文字理論上應該會比完成品的字數為多。作品是中文作品。 所謂的互動故事,範例可見 網站。互動故事是由人物角色、場景、對話、音樂、音效、選項和其他特效組織而成的故事,格式跟電影劇本類似,具以下特徵: -每集約3-5分鐘 (約1500-3000字一集) -以對話為主交代劇情 -每集提供最少一個互動選項及分支劇情/對話 -片尾提供一個 「hook」至下一集 若能自行用 oice 工具製作此作品會多 USD 200 奬金。 競標者會被要求先提交約 1500 字的劇本內容作為能力評核。若被成功取錄,該已提交之 ~1500 字內容會成為工作內容的一部份。

    $561 (Avg Bid)
    $561 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ...テレビやラジオ、新聞、雑誌を見て、  Q:なぜこの会社や商品はテレビ(その他のメディア)に取り上げられたか?  Q:テレビのプロデューサー側はなぜそれを採用したか? について、思うことを書いて頂けませんでしょうか? 対象番組は何でも構いませんが、トレたまやガイアの夜明けでもいいですし、情報番組の一部で取り上げられたものも含みます。 記事の目的は、弊社のクライアントさんがどうしたらメディアに取り上げられることができるか?のヒントを得ることです。 放送された日時はといません。昭和の番組でも結構です。(笑) いつのどの番組かわかるように記載願います。 【お支払いフィーについて】 ・時給がご希望であれば都合に合わせますが、どのような記事をかけるのか、10記事程度送って頂くことはできますか? ・そのトライアルのフィーとしては、下記でお願いします。 ・400文字‥200円/記事、800文字以上‥300円/記事、1200文字以上‥400円/記事 【当方からの質問】 ・時給制にした場合、1日何時間仕事が可能で、1日何記事提出することができますか? 【注意事項】 ・もちろんですが、コピーは禁止です ・書いて頂いた文章について、とやかく言いませんが、次回以降はこうしてくれ!という要望はさせて頂きます。 ・本当はマーケティングに関わる記事にしていきたいので、そのような部分に精通している方がベストですが、最初はそこまで問いません。 ・流行っているものやコト、これから流行るだろうコトやもの(主観で)、海外で流行っているものやことを盛り込んでもらえるとなおありがたいです。 では、上記内容で取り組んで頂けるかどうか?連絡頂けるとありがたいです。よろしくお願いします。 ほんとに、お問い合わせはお気軽にー。...

    $170 - $509
    $170 - $509
    0 入札

    ◆概要 作業手順、チェックリスト、Todoリストの作成と、それを紹介する1200文字以上の記事を作成して頂きます。質の高い記事を作成してくださった方には、月に10~20の記事を依頼します。終了時期は定めず、数年間続く予定です。 ◆価格 入稿して頂く記事の品質(クオリティ)が高ければ、単価もアップします。 良文で、長文であるほど、単価をアップします。 スタートの単価は、1000文字以上で、1文字1円です。 上限単価は定めてませんが、1文字5円まではあると考えてください。 良い記事を継続的に得ることがもっとも最優先です。 そのため、記事の下部には、ライターのプロフィールを掲載し、Lancersやその他のクラウドソーシングサイトでの顧客獲得につながるように、微力ではありますが貢献することも可能です。 ◆作業手順、チェックリスト、Todoリストの要件 皆さんの仕事でも手順が決まっている仕事ってありますよね。 例えば何か新しい案件を受注した場合に、 売上を売上表に記入 受注指示 先方に電話して取材日をフィックス 別の部署に報告 チェックシートを修正 チェックシートを先方に提出 開始を先方に連絡 みたいな感じである程度フローが決まっている場合って多いと思うんですよね。 書いていただきたいのは、このようにGTDに準拠した「タスクの実行を具体的にイメージできるレベルまで細分化したリスト」を募集しています。 ◆注意事項 ・文字数は1200字以上です。 ・誤字脱字に注意してください。 ・コピペは厳禁です。(15文字以上連続で他サイトから引用しないでください) ・見出し、小見出し、本文は関連性を持たせてください。 ・個別の企業・店舗にフォーカスしないでください。 ・求人情報をのせないでください。 ・敬体(ですます調)にて執筆...

    $1322 (Avg Bid)
    $1322 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ...  人によって得手・不得手の分野があると思いますので、   ある程度は、得意分野に対応します。 ・1記事当たりの文字数は1000文字以上となります。 ■必要な環境 ・インターネット接続環境 ・エクセル、ワード ■募集条件 ・最低で、3日に1記事、1ヶ月、最低でも10記事の納品が可能な方 ・もっと書ける方は、1ヶ月、30記事位書いて頂いても構いません。  ※急用などで納品できない場合は都度ご相談に応じます。  ※数日分まとめての納品も可能です。 ・文章を書くことが苦じゃなく、好きな方 ・今後も長期継続的にお仕事をしていただける方 ・エクセル、ワードソフトが使える方 ・報告・連絡・相談をしっかりとして頂ける方 ・必要に応じて、メール等でのやり取りができる方 ■報酬: ・200円/記事   ・原則 月末締め・翌月5日払いです。 ■応募について 応募希望の方は以下の内容をお送り下さいませ。 ・簡単な自己紹介 ・作業可能な曜日、1日にできる作業時間、ネットに接続している時間帯 ・意気込み ご応募頂いた方には追ってサンプル記事作成のご連絡を致します。 サンプル記事の内容を拝見させていただき、最終的な依頼の可否についてお知らせさせて頂きます。 ※採用の際は、サンプル記事分も報酬対象としてカウントされます。  不採用の際は、サンプル記事は使用せず、当方で責任を持って破棄いたします。 その他、ご質問などあればお気軽にお問い合せ下さい。

    $150 (Avg Bid)
    $150 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ブログ掲載用記事の作成依頼できる方を募集します。 趣味・特技・旅行記等、ご自分の好きなテーマを元にして、 30記事程度のものを書いて頂きます。 高額な報酬はお支払い出来ませんが、ご自分の得意なテーマで 書いて頂くので、楽しく稼いで頂けるものと考えています。 報酬は一テーマ30記事を基準として、一記事(600文字)200円 ×30記事=6000円です。 執筆の技量にもよりますが、時給換算にすると1000円~1200円 位になるかと思います。 30記事を超える時は、提出して頂いた記事数に応じてお支払いを 致します。 お一人で複数のテーマについて書くもよし、一つのテーマに対して、 定期的に記事を更新して頂くこともOKです。 ニッチなテーマ、マニアックなテーマを歓迎します。 詳しい内容を知りたい方は、下欄のサイトをご覧ください。 ⇒

    $20 - $170
    $20 - $170
    0 入札

    中国の商品を日本のマーケットで販売しておりますので、 今回は商品リサーチのお仕事を手伝っていただけるパートナーを募集しています。 ★仕事内容 (日本のアマゾン)の商品と同一商品を、 タオバオ(Taobao)から探してください。 継続して頂ける方は単価アップあり。 責任もってやっていただける方を募集します。 今後もリサーチ作業は常時ありますので、永くお付き合いが出 来ればと思っております。 ・商品説明の内容(サイズ、カラ―、価格、詳細)を登録して頂きます。 ※文章は中国語、英語の物が多いですが、翻訳サイトを 利用すれば出来る作業内容です! ・スカイプで打ち合わせを行い、何度でも丁寧にお教えしますのでご安心下さいませ。 ★1件あたりの報酬は下記の通りです。 1500円以上  200円 2000円以上 310円 2500円以上 350円 3000円以上 400円 3500円以上 450円 4000円以上  500円 ★重視する点/検討基準 ・PC作業に慣れている方。 ・リサーチ経験のある方は優遇致します。 ・内容に間違いがなく、正確に入力頂ける方を希望致します。 ・Excelの最低限の操作がわかる方 ・中国語、日本語が話せる方。(日本語のレベルが高い方) ・採用後、すぐに作業を取り掛かれる方。また迅速な作業を行って頂ける方。 ・スカイプ、メールの連絡に対して出来るだけ早い返信が頂ける方。(遅くても24時間以内に返信) ・最低限のマナーをもって、誠実に対応、納期を確実に守れる方。 下記の連絡事項に記入の上ご応募お願いいたします。 ・お名...

    $113 (Avg Bid)
    $113 平均入札額
    1 入札

    港区の200名規模の営業会社の新卒(大卒)を20名採用します。2015年の卒業者で 入社20名確定したら200万支払います。 集客、人材募集、登録面接、をしてください。 手段はまかせます。 ターゲットは、営業希望の新卒者でイメージは男性です。 やる気がれば学歴(MARCH以上など)問わずです。 詳細はお会いしてご説明いたします。

    $13576 - $13576
    $13576 - $13576
    0 入札

    ...creating vibrant, interactive designs for an entertainment-based project - a nightlife discovery platform. This app is aimed at simplifying and enhancing users' nightlife experiences. The user base will predominantly be Zen-z Key features include: - Event Listings: Ability to display and manage an array of upcoming events. - Venue Recommendations: Tailoring suggestions to user preferences. - User Reviews: Ensuring a transparent and interactive platform where users can share their experiences and feedback. We will be calling events as experiences which have details of both event and venue We are looking at a reel based design (tiktok, instagram) where experiences are scrollable with CTAs and swipe actions Ideal candidates should have prior experience in designing similar ...

    $753 (Avg Bid)
    $753 平均入札額
    10 入札

    ...travelers. This platform will be focused on providing a unique and efficient way to find niche flights. Key Features: - Advanced search filters: The website should offer a variety of filters to help users tailor their search and find the most relevant flights. - Price comparison functionality: An essential feature for budget travelers, allowing them to easily compare prices of flights. - User reviews and ratings: An interactive section where users can share their experiences and rate flights, enhancing the overall user experience Target Audience: The primary target audience for this platform will be budget travelers. The design and functionality of the site should cater to their specific needs and preferences. User Interface Design: The ideal user interface design for this web...

    $150 (Avg Bid)
    $150 平均入札額
    2 入札

    I am in need of a skilled lifestyle content writer with solid Wordpress know-how and a basic understanding of SEO. The perfect candidate for this role will be producing 15-20 online articles per month, and uploading these to our website. The subject matter is focused on travel and leisure. Key Responsibilities: - Writing engaging news articles, listicles, and online features, primarily using press releases to do this (as opposed to researching yourself) - Uploading articles to Wordpress using WP Bakery builder - Resizing and uploading images to each article (these are provided) - Including internal and external hyperlinks, subheads throughout, creating clickable headlines and ensuring all content is in line with SEO principles Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in ...

    $12 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $12 / hr 平均入札額
    47 入札

    I'm launching a small startup and I need a Shopify website. My primary goal with this website is to sell physical goods. The projec...website. My primary goal with this website is to sell physical goods. The project will involve: - Setting up a user-friendly e-commerce Shopify website - Customizing the website's theme to match my brand's style and message - Ensuring the website is mobile-responsive and easy to navigate - Integrating essential e-commerce features such as payment processing, inventory management, and customer reviews I'm looking for a web developer with experience in e-commerce and specifically in creating and customizing Shopify websites. Experience in UI/UX design and a good understanding of branding will be a plus. Please include your Shopi...

    $154 (Avg Bid)
    $154 平均入札額
    93 入札

    I need a seasoned developer to create a website primed for Google News. Your task includes setting up Google Publisher Centre, Google AdSense, Google Console, and Google Analytics. This entails: - Ensuring the website is in accordance to Google News guidelines - Integration of relevant Google services for better website functionality - Focus on global news content provision - ...Focus on global news content provision - Mechanisms to generate revenue through ads - Tools to track website traffic Skills: - Expertise in setting up Google services - Incredible attention to detail - Proficient in SEO - Experience in news websites would be an advantage Your role will be from start to finish, and your job would revolve around equipping the site to allow me to create my own articles ef...

    $418 (Avg Bid)
    $418 平均入札額
    63 入札

    ...content for my products, to be posted on YouTube, Rumble, and social media. - Video Content: The videos you produce should include product demonstrations, reviews, and educational content. It's important to make sure the content is engaging and informative. - Posting: I will need the videos posted on the mentioned platforms on a monthly basis, or more frequently if possible. - Past Work and Project Proposal: When applying for this position, please include links to your past work and provide a detailed project proposal. Ideal candidate: - Must be based in the US - Experienced in creating video content, especially product demos, reviews, and educational content - Strong portfolio of past work - Ability to propose a detailed project plan - Familiarity with YouTube,...

    $115 (Avg Bid)
    $115 平均入札額
    20 入札

    As a professional with high-volume data, I'm seeking a highly skilled Excel expert. You should have proficiency in: - Data analysis - Data visualization - Excel formulas, functions and macros - Visual Basics Application (VBA) I'm dealing with more than seven datasets, each one having high complexity (many columns and over 5000 rows). I will need your expertise in managing and understanding this data. Ability to quickly comprehend and adjust to new data structures would be advantageous. Proven experience with large data sets and advanced Excel usage is a must for this project. Please include examples of previous similar work in your proposal.

    $3 - $7 / hr
    シール NDA
    $3 - $7 / hr
    10 入札

    ...digital products, so it's critical that the design is conducive to ecommerce. I want to make it easy for customers to navigate the site, find products of interest, and complete their purchases. Key features I'm looking for include: - Product filtering: Customers should be able to easily sort and filter products based on relevant criteria to help them find what they're looking for. - Customer reviews: I want to incorporate a customer review system so that potential buyers can see feedback from others, encouraging them to make a purchase. - Social media integration: To help with brand building and reach, connecting the site seamlessly with social media platforms is essential. In your proposal, please include: - Previous experience with Shopify, ideally with an eco...

    $41 (Avg Bid)
    $41 平均入札額
    18 入札

    ...to ensure compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. A thorough understanding of SOX requirements and experience with compliance reviews is essential. The successful candidate will be able to provide us with comprehensive reports and recommendations based on their audit findings. Proficiency in communication is crucial, as they will need to clearly and concisely explain any issues and recommendations to our team. The main skills and experience required for this role include: - Proven experience in finance compliance audits - CPA certification - Certification by the PCAOB - Significant experience in internal controls, financial statement audits, and SOX compliance reviews - Excellent written and verbal communication skills - Strong attention to detail and analytical skills ...

    $1040 (Avg Bid)
    $1040 平均入札額
    20 入札

    ...in a Mobile-government, their potential vulnerabilities, and possible solutions. Your role would also involve aiding in comparison and assessment of different cybersecurity measures. specific area of this topic: you will need to find it out of the 5 articles after you get them out of the internet. share them with first and we will agree on them. Research focus: first the freelancer should look for 5 articles and they should be from IEEE format. And then make a compares between the 5 articles on level of the cybersecurity CIA and these articles should be from 2020 to current only. note; i will share the topics with you. select topic and then google it looking for the research paper. then find the survey paper usually you will find 50 papers. and i want hi...

    $96 (Avg Bid)
    $96 平均入札額
    28 入札

    My website primarily offers trading services. I aim to improve user engagement and retention by implementing a more comprehensive positive feedback system. PLEASE NOTE: This is not related to Google reviews or SEO. There are several websites where my site's rating is low, and I want to improve these ratings. We require your services to post positive reviews on specific websites to enhance the overall positivity of my website's reviews. Key features and requirements: - The project focuses on developing a user feedback system tailored for service trading. Users should be able to review and rate the services provided.

    $145 (Avg Bid)
    $145 平均入札額
    9 入札

    ...cater to two specific user types: ones who are looking to rent an exotic car and owners of such luxurious automobiles who wish to offer them for rent. Here are the features expected in the application: - A Car Reservation System: The ability for users to book their desired exotic car. - User Profiles: Both renters and owners should be able to set up their profiles. - User Reviews and Ratings: To maintain transparency, reviews and ratings from past rentals should be displayed. For owners, the application must provide: - A Vehicle Listing Feature: To showcase their available vehicles for rent. - Rental Rate Setting Tools: Allow the owners to set their prices. - A Payment Gateway: To streamline transactions securely within the app. Ideal freelancers for this project a...

    $2304 (Avg Bid)
    $2304 平均入札額
    111 入札

    Hello, I have 200 forms, each container with around 20 fields of information. I need each form typed out. I cannot make any mistakes. Empty forms are attached below. I just have about 200 forms of handwritten information, some which I can read and some which I can't so I want it all typed. No using AI or anything for this. To be approved say "Banana"

    $29 (Avg Bid)
    $29 平均入札額
    109 入札

    I'm in need of a complex script that combines SMC schools, ICT schools, and commercial use elements into a single Tradingview indicator. Here are more details on what I'm looking for: - The script should include various elements from SMC and ICT schools, as well as classic trading methodologies for commercial us...Experience with liquidity tables and Vortex editing would be an advantage. Please only apply if you are confident in your ability to meet these requirements. For clear information Smc and ict also automatic fibonacci +trend channel + trend lines with SR liens + stock and crypto and forex liquidity table+ dashboard table with major information from rsi and Vortex also macd and Ema 50 also Ema 200 + trend status with multiple frames all in one with control pane...

    $1072 (Avg Bid)
    $1072 平均入札額
    45 入札

    I need an professional who can design a WordPress website for my honey selling business, Also good knowledge on woocommerce required. ** You need good knowledge to attract customers to place order Some other fetures: 1. Correct check out page design for easy checkout 2. Website login before purchase 3. Easy and most powerful way yo convert a visitor to a buyer 4. Products page wi...my honey selling business, Also good knowledge on woocommerce required. ** You need good knowledge to attract customers to place order Some other fetures: 1. Correct check out page design for easy checkout 2. Website login before purchase 3. Easy and most powerful way yo convert a visitor to a buyer 4. Products page with content design with review and image review design where user can place reviews w...

    $98 (Avg Bid)
    $98 平均入札額
    45 入札

    I am seeking a skilled freelancer to administer product uploads on my Spanish online clothing store, , which is set up on the Wix platform. Your task will primarily involve the accurate and efficient upload of approximately 200 trial products, with the possibility of more work in the future. I offer a payment rate of $0.5 per correctly published article. The ideal candidate for this project would have: - Proficiency in Spanish language. - Experience with the Wix platform. - Attention to detail in product specifications. Your responsibilities will include, but not be limited to: - Uploading product details, specifically including size and material. - Attaching corresponding images for each product as per requirement. Please make sure all information is accurate before publicati...

    $91 (Avg Bid)
    $91 平均入札額
    43 入札

    ...completed. It would be nice to have some Arabic letters or words on it especially the letter DAAL as the organisation begins with the letter. Perhaps having the د letter and having a thin pen with a feather on top in front of it to also signify the letter D. The rest of the word of the logo name (Daaniyah) could be incorporated somewhere? Essentially I would like to make the website that has courses, articles, Islamic related questions and children’s and adults courses to learn about Islam. I have included some pictures attached that I kind of like the style of. The colours shoudl be a dark green and black maybe. But a green that looks like img_4084. The letters .org can be written very small perhaps. I'm looking for a talented designer to create a logo that's ...

    $12 (Avg Bid)

    I'm seeking a professional with skills in creative and artistic book formatting to work on my memoir, which is more than 200 pages long. Key tasks: - Apply a creative and artistic style to the layout and overall design of the memoir. - Ensure the formatting is consistent and enhances readability. Skills and Experience Required: - Prior experience in formatting and designing long-form content - Proficiency in artistic book design - Strong attention to detail - Familiarity with memoir genre will be a plus. Looking forward to collaborating with an expert who can provide imaginative, out-of-the-box formatting designs to make my memoir uniquely captivating.

    $3361 (Avg Bid)
    $3361 平均入札額
    22 入札

    I’m seeking experienced content writers capable of producing in-depth blog articles and website content that exceed 1000 words. * Key Topics: Must be comfortable writing about topics related to Business and Finance as well as Technology and Innovation. * Ideal Skills: Solid grasp of the English language, ability to conduct thorough research, excellent SEO know-how, and exceptional critical thinking capacity. * Experience: Past experience in writing detailed articles about Business and Finance or Technology and Innovation is a must. The qualified freelancer should be able to deliver compelling and unique content, free from plagiarism and grammatical errors. Please include samples of your previous work in your bid.

    $34 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $34 / hr 平均入札額
    34 入札

    SOLO APLICAR CON PALABRA CLAVE: YAKU Descripción del Aviso: ¡Hola! Estamos en la búsqueda de un Freelancer especializado en WordPress con experiencia sólida en el desarrollo y configuración de sistemas de membresías, así como en UI y UX, para optimizar nuestra plataforma de cursos online. La plataforma está construida sobre WordPress utilizando Tutor LMS y actualmente enfrenta varios ...tu experiencia relevante. ¿Cómo Aplicar? Envía tu aplicación a [correo electrónico] con el asunto "Aplicación Freelancer WordPress - [Tu Nombre]". Asegúrate de incluir ejemplos de trabajos anteriores similares y cualquier referencia que pueda respaldar tu experiencia y habilidades. ¡Es...

    $395 (Avg Bid)
    $395 平均入札額
    42 入札

    I'm in ...experience creating similar portfolios for businesses. The portfolio will include: - About Us: A section that encapsulates our company's mission, history, and values. - Services: A detailed overview of the services we offer, including the benefits and unique selling points. - Team: An introduction to the key members of our team, including their roles and a brief bio. - Testimonials: Feedback and reviews from past clients or customers, emphasizing our credibility. - Portfolio: A showcase of our previous works, projects or case studies. - Contact: Clear and concise information on how potential clients can reach out to us. The design must be professional, clean, and corporate to reflect our company's image. It should be structured to ensure a smooth and cohe...

    $100 (Avg Bid)
    $100 平均入札額
    78 入札
    Regulatory Medical Writing Needed 6 日 left

    I am in need of a skilled medical writer with expertise in preparing regulatory documents, particularly in the areas of Risk Management Plans, Benefit risk assessments, and Periodic benefit risk. Requirements: - Conduct thorough literature reviews to support the content of the regulatory documents. - Prepare high-quality manuscripts for these regulatory submissions. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in medical writing, especially in the regulatory space. - Proficiency in conducting literature reviews and data analysis. - Familiarity with creating Risk Management Plans and other regulatory documents. - Strong understanding of medical terminology and scientific writing. - Excellent attention to detail and ability to ensure the documents meet regulatory standard...

    $392 (Avg Bid)
    $392 平均入札額
    15 入札

    The project encompasses the following requirements: 1. I don't need his life story. I don't need the case details. I need only the role of Radhabinod Pal in this case. 2. I would appreciate it if anyone could provide full judgment. Specifically his judgment. 3. Books and articles on this judgment written by Radhabinod Pal. 4. Textbooks, academic papers, and possibly multimedia resources on the role of Radhabinod Pal. I am seeking your assistance in curating a collection of specific references and books on Justice Radhabinod Pal (1886-1967), who served as the judge of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (1946-1948). In deliberations with judges from 10 other countries, he was the only Judge who refused to be guided by the trial guidelines and rules framed...

    $10 (Avg Bid)

    ...search of an experienced and versatile content creator to help me write engaging articles, blog posts, and social media content. The purpose of these content pieces is to promote my brand, extend our digital footprint, and drive more value through online content. The ideal freelancer for this job should have: • Proven content writing or copywriting experience. • Working knowledge of SEO. • Excellent writing and proofreading skills in English. However, feel free to apply even if you have no proper experience but are confident you can do the job. I appreciate originality and creativity. I am looking for content with a professional tone to promote my business. Your tasks would include: • Writing original articles and blog posts. • Creating e...

    $257 (Avg Bid)
    $257 平均入札額
    32 入札

    ** Urgent Need ** I need 1 Script Description Content every day each one will be short 100-200 Words. Video Will be provided. Content Topic/Type Example: The Content should be like this type of topic and 100% unique and related to the subject. All the content should be well-researched and have accurate information. The budget is $10 Per Content. Newbies are highly welcomed.

    $10 (Avg Bid)
    $10 平均入札額
    79 入札

    Description: We are seeking a skilled financial modeling specialist to create a comprehensive financial model for a vending project. This one-time ...analysis Requirements: - Proven experience with financial modeling, preferably in the vending industry - Proficiency in Excel, Google Sheets, or other financial modeling software - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines Duration and Budget: This mini-project is expected to require approximately 15 to 20 hours. The budget for the task is 200 EUR. How to Apply: Please submit examples of previously created financial models along with your application. Candidates will be evaluated based on their previous experience and the relevance of their work samples to the requirements of thi...

    $156 (Avg Bid)
    $156 平均入札額
    31 入札

    I'm in need of 3D modeling services for an intermediate level project. The model will be used primarily for visual presentation purposes, so aesthetic appeal balanced with accuracy is key. Here's what I'm looking for: - Proficiency in 3D CAD software, such as AutoCAD, SolidWorks, or similar. - Ability to create 3d Model with LOD 200 Detail

    $99 (Avg Bid)
    $99 平均入札額
    22 入札

    I'm seeking an AI content writer for a significant article generation project. Key Project Details: - 700 articles required, each minimum of 1200 words - Budget fixed at 1000 rupees total. - Purpose of the articles is to provide useful information to readers Key Requirements: - Proficient in using AI tools for content generation - Ability to write engaging, informative content The project requirement is urgent, so I'm looking for someone who can commit to a quick turnaround while maintaining high quality content.

    $4 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $4 / hr 平均入札額
    42 入札

    I'm in need of detailed insights into various credit repair companies across the USA. The scope of this project is quite comprehensive and entails the following key areas: - **Reputation and Reviews**: I need a thorough analysis of the reputation and reviews for a range of credit repair companies. This data should be based on both customer feedback and industry standards. - **Services Offered**: A detailed breakdown of the services provided by each company would be crucial. This includes the scope of services, their unique selling points, and the quality of their offerings. - **Pricing and Fees**: An in-depth understanding of the pricing and fee structures of these companies is essential. This should cover both their standard packages and any additional costs th...

    $712 (Avg Bid)
    $712 平均入札額
    21 入札

    I am in need of an individual with strong data collection skills, particularly in the area of web scraping. The job entails extracting text data from a certain selection of websites for me. My key focus is the content of various articles present on these sites. Ideal candidates should: - Have experience in web scraping for article content - Be meticulous in collecting data to ensure no valuable information is missed - Have a strong attention to detail to maintain the quality of collected data - Be capable of maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of the information collected To jumpstart, please provide your experience with similar projects and your available start date.

    $11 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $11 / hr 平均入札額
    30 入札

    ...scraping to extract the body text from articles on Google News. The information will be earmarked for natural language processing, hence, accuracy of extraction and correct formatting into an excel file is of utmost importance. Key responsibilities and skills: - Experience in web scraping, specifically from news websites. - Knowledge of creating Python or PHP scraping scripts or using API. - Ability to deliver results fast, as the project needs to be completed ASAP. Please note that the sole requirement is to extract the body of the news articles with no need for the title, date or author. Let me know your approach and estimated timeframe for completion and budget. I give you (English only) - Google News search keywords, (possibly 500K-1M news articles) You gi...

    $612 (Avg Bid)
    $612 平均入札額
    65 入札

    I'm seeking a seasoned writer, proficient in technology and particularly artificial intelligence, to create informative, technical, and engaging content intended for professionals in the field of AI. What you'll be doing: - Writing AI-focused pieces that touch on trends, advancements, and challenges in the field. - Producing content that offers value to professionals working within AI. What I'm looking for in a freelancer: - Experience in writing technical content within the tech industry. - Extensive understanding of artificial intelligence. - Proven ability to break down complex AI concepts in a way that's digestible for professionals entrenched in this sphere.

    $2 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $2 / hr 平均入札額
    9 入札

    I am looking for a web developer to create a website and brand kit for log burning hot tubs in the UK. The main goal of the website is to sell log burning hot tubs. Very few poroducts. Design and Style: - Although I don't have a specific design in mind, I do have some ideas and preferences that I would like to discuss w...hot tubs. This will allow potential customers to browse through the options and choose the one that suits their preferences. In addition to these requirements, I am open to suggestions and ideas from the developer to enhance the website's functionality and user experience. It would be great if the developer has experience in creating online stores and incorporating customer testimonials and reviews. I NEED to be SEO optimized. Pictures and informati...

    $222 (Avg Bid)
    $222 平均入札額
    124 入札
    Joomla online 6 日 left

    ...health/sport etc. ... b) Online library system c) Online clinical appointment system d) Online houses/apartment rental system e) Online car rental system The final submission should include: 1) Report describing the project that includes: a. Introduction b. Web site design c. Web site development: the main files created: articles, categories, modules, and database. d. Screenshots of the website e. Conclusion f. References 2) One folder that holds all the subfolders of categories, articles, menus, modules, SQL 1 files, videos, banners, and images....

    $118 (Avg Bid)
    $118 平均入札額
    14 入札

    ...searches and filtering, ensuring smooth navigation through our product offerings. - Implementation of smart product recommendations, helping our customers to find relevant products based on their search history or recently viewed items. - User-friendly shopping cart and secure checkout processes, providing a seamless buying experience for our customers. - Users should be able to leave product reviews and ratings, aiding others' purchasing decisions and boosting our brand's transparency. Ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience in building successful e-commerce sites, ideally with lighting products. - Proficient in creating search algorithms and recommendation engines. - Capable of integrating review and rating system. - Experience in B2B and B2C marketplaces w...

    $11 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $11 / hr 平均入札額
    45 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled Wikipedia editor to contribute brief, insightful summaries for new articles on current events. The task mainly involves writing concise yet informative pieces that align with Wikipedia's guidelines and standards. Key responsibilities: - Creating new articles on Wikipedia related to current events - Writing brief, factual summaries that provide a clear, accurate overview - Ensuring all content is properly cited and adheres to Wikipedia's neutrality and formatting guidelines Ideal skills and experience: - Prior experience with Wikipedia editing, including creating new articles - Strong research skills to gather necessary information for current event summaries - Capable of writing succinct, engaging content that is easy to unde...

    $59 (Avg Bid)
    $59 平均入札額
    24 入札

    ...searching for a talented developer to create a Multi-Vendor E-commerce Marketplace using Magento. This marketplace is specially intended for the Indian market. A variety of goods, including but not limited to Electronics, Gadgets, Apparel, Accessories, Home and Kitchen items, will be sold on this platform. Key Features: - Product search functionalities and filters for easy navigation - User reviews and ratings system for transparent shopping experience - Order tracking option for buyers' convenience - Dedicated store pages for each vendor to showcase their products - Compatibility to shopping in India - Implementation of UPI payments for secure transactions - Mobile-friendly design for easy access on smartphones and tablets Ideal freelancer will: - Have considerable exper...

    $384 (Avg Bid)
    $384 平均入札額
    31 入札
    Google 5-Star Reviews Acquisition 6 日 left

    ...assistance from individuals who can help me acquire a substantial number of 5-star reviews on Google for my company. - I need between 10 and 50 reviews to be posted over an extended period of time rather than all at once. - While I appreciate reviews from all over the world, it is particularly important for my business to have a diverse range of reviews, including those from my local area. - Integrity and professionalism are key; all reviews must be genuine, of high quality, and comply with Google's review policies. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Experience in managing online reviews, particularly on Google - Ability to source reliable reviewers who are able to create high-quality, 5-star reviews - Understandin...

    $24 (Avg Bid)
    $24 平均入札額
    36 入札

    For THREE websites. We need to be in TOP ranking, first page for GOOGLE Singapore for 3 WEBSITES. Website 1 (Linen Manufacturer) - Off site Links (300 per month) - 30 keywords; Website 2 (Solar Equipment) - Off site Links (300 per month) - 11 keywords; Website 3 (Steel Factory) - Off site Links (200 per month) - 15 keywords; Requirements - - Minimum 6 UNIQUE articles for each website. - Website analysis & On Page SEO - On Page SEO Report + Weekly & Keyword Ranking reports - Breakdown of cost (Hidden cost will be reported) - Must achieve top ranking (within first page) only whitehat SEO techniques. BUDGET FOR ALL WEBSITES: SGD$40 to SGD$50 MAX. DON'T OVERBID, please. PLEASE NOTE: USE SINGAPORE DOLLAR.

    $90 (Avg Bid)
    $90 平均入札額
    28 入札