Bikini Contest web graphics design with logo

  • ステータス: Closed
  • 賞金: $30
  • 受け取ったエントリー: 7
  • 優勝者: dilipprasad406


Create a 1280 × 768 above the fold graphic. using the
information below and have 2-3 bikini clad girls white and latin persuasion
done in photoshop, and provide template vector.

Use the following info in the graphic:

Million Dollar Bikini Contest. 2019

* 1 Million Dollar Winner Take All
* Consolation prizes and cash awards for top 10 finalist
* Inaugural feature event labor day weekend 2109
* 100+ qualifying events during summer 2018 and 2019 through the US.
* Realty show presenting contestants during qualify events
and Pay per view Final Event

Create above and use a sharp logo using MDB and Dollar sign in graphic and provide that in both the graphic and separately as png file in photoshop with template and vector.

Winner will be providing both the graphic and the logo with photo shop editable templates for each.

All products winning design is property of the contest presenter for use as we see fit as job for hire.
examples of what we looking for is here:,+freelancer&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiK9Y2QiK3UAhVGrD4KHSTlBFgQsAQIQw&biw=1455&bih=655

Other work in the future will be presented for this project on first right of refusal



“Did a great job and provided great service i will use them again i suggest you do too A+++++”

プロフィール画像 intpiper, United States.



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